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Moving back home as a young adult: what's it like and why do you do it? | UK news | theguardian.com
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Moving back home as a young adult: what's it like and why do you do it?

Record levels of young adults are living at home with their parents. Tell us why you're still living at home or why you've moved back in with your parents

  • theguardian.com,
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John Lennon's childhood bedroom. Young adults aged 20 to 34 are now more likely to be sharing a home with their parents than any time since 1996. Photograph: CHRISTOPHER THOMOND
John Lennon's childhood bedroom. Young adults aged 20 to 34 are now more likely to be sharing a home with their parents than any time since 1996. Photograph: CHRISTOPHER THOMOND

New statistics reveal that 1 in 4 young adults are living with their parents. The Office for National Statistics findings reveal that 20 to 34 year-olds are now more likely to be sharing a home with their parents than any time since 1996.

According to a survey by the National Housing Federation, three out of 10 parents (27%) have at least one adult child, aged between 21 and 40, still living with them at home. Two-thirds of those parents (66%) said this was because their son or daughter could not afford to rent or buy their own place.

Just over a quarter (26%) said having a grown-up child sharing their home brought their family closer together, but nearly the same proportion, 23%, said the situation caused them stress and 18% said it caused arguments.

41% blamed to the cost of living away from home, and 22% said their children were temporarily living at home while they saved up for a deposit.

What is causing this increase in the number of grown-up children living at home? Is it that the comforts of home are just too much to leave behind, or do the costs of living away from home make it impossible?

Share your story of why you haven't moved out of home, or why you moved back in with parents by commenting in the thread below.
