Home Invitations

At Home invitations for formal occasions are usually engraved on a card of good texture about 6 x 41/2 inches (15 x 11.5 cm) in size. This can be slightly larger if necessary. In the case of married couples, these are traditionally prepared in the name of the hostess only.

If the time of the function is not a sufficient indication as to its nature, the latter may be stated on the card: for example, 'Dancing 10 o'clock'. If the invitation extends from 6 to 8.30 p.m. the description 'cocktails', 'wine' etc. is unnecessary, though it is often included.

For many At Home functions, with the exception of dances, a smaller card may be used, usually 51/2 x 31/2 inches (14 x 9 cm), which shows the name of the hostess, At Home, R.S.V.P. and her address. A stock of these cards can be purchased for various functions. Other details are completed by hand.

For small informal parties a basic stock of At Home cards may be purchased, which merely have 'At Home' and 'R.S.V.P.' engraved or printed on them. They would usually be 51/2 x 31/2 inches (14 x 9 cm). The hostess then adds her name, address, date, time, names of guests and other necessary information.

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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