The Parents of the Bride and Groom

parents of the bride and groom

The parents of the bride and groom come as part of the wedding package and their role is entirely dependent on how the couple decide to conduct their wedding planning arrangements.

Their influence is often directly proportional to their financial input, but the parents of both the bride and groom have important roles to play. The father of the bride traditionally makes a speech on the wedding day.

The relationship between the bride and her parents and, in turn, their relationship with their future son-in-law is also an important factor.

See Also

Engagements: The Parents
Dress Codes: Parents


  • mother of the bride

    Mother of the Bride

    Traditionally, the mother of the bride plays a hugely influential and prominent role.
  • father of the bride

    Father of the Bride

    If he is hosting the wedding with the bride's mother, then he is usually aware of the arrangements.
  • parents of the groom

    The Groom's Parents

    The groom's parents can be involved as much as they are invited to be, or wish to be.
  • divorced parents at weddings

    Divorced Parents at Weddings

    Unless relations are so strained that only one party is invited, duties should be split
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