
May 2014

Mille Miglia

15.05.14 - 18.05.14
Brescia–Rome, Italy

Enzo Ferrari described it as 'the world's greatest road race', and for 80 years this famous race from Brescia to Rome and back again has captured the imagination of car lovers everywhere.

The Mille Miglia originated when a group of Italy's most famous racing drivers formed the Brescia Automobile Club in 1927 and organised a long-distance race for production cars, which they felt would assert the importance of Brescia as the cradle of Italy's automobile industry - a premier position that had been lost when the Grand Prix had moved from Brescia to Monza in 1922.

The event is launched with mass in the Duomo Vecchio, Brescia. On the next day the Gran Turismo cars are exhibited to the general public in the city centre, and the first leg of the race - from Brescia to Ferrara - is launched at 7.30pm.

The next morning the cars start on the Ferrara-Rome leg of the race, stopping en route at Urbino. There is a parade of cars in Rome in the evening. At first light on the final day, the cars embark on the final leg, from Rome back to Brescia.

Participation in the event is limited to makes and models of cars manufactured between 1927 and 1957, which took place in the original Mille Miglia races.

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