
Getting the boot is superlatively humiliating, but there is yet more dignity to lose by losing your temper. Settle for the philosophical advantage and serve out your notice with grace.

Don't react emotionally when you're told the news - you'll only regret it.

Don't attempt retaliation or revenge - it may come back to haunt you. Maintain your dignity to the bitter end.

If you're asked to leave immediately, do so. Don't worry about handing over to a colleague, it's not your problem. Just concentrate on making a quick exit from the building.

If you're asked to stay on for a few weeks, and you don't want to, just politely point out to your boss that - by definition - your services are no longer -required, as your post is redundant.

Don't burn your bridges. You may hate and resent the boss that has dispensed with your services, but you may not have any argument with your colleagues. Make sure you have all their contact details before you leave - professional networking is never a waste of time.

Start looking for another job, getting out and doing interviews - don't let thoughts of your redundancy fester, as it will eat away at your confidence.

Always tell the truth (to future employers, employment agencies etc.) about your redundancy. In the current turbulent economic climate, job loss is - unfortunately - an increasingly common event, and redundancy does not carry the stigma it used to.

When explaining your redundancy, try and put a positive gloss on it. Explain that your role was no longer required, but that losing your job has given you a chance to rethink your priorities, revise your career plan, explore new options etc. etc.

Keep busy, and don't let self-pity overwhelm you. Start a new exercise regime, spend some time with your kids, embark on the decorating that you've been putting off, do some voluntary work, clear out the boxes of junk in the attic.

Consider re-training, or going back into education.

Stay positive and flexible. Try and see your redundancy as an opportunity, a chance to try something new and explore new talents…


Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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