Text Messaging

Girl typing text message on her smart phone

Text messaging is an acceptable form of modern communication but you must adhere to a basic code of texting conduct.

Text messages are ideal for conveying a short, instant message. Remember, some important information may need a more lengthy explanation.

If you have to cancel an appointment, always make a phone call; apologies will be better received this way.

Formal handwritten thank you letters should never be replaced by a text.

Messages of condolence sent by text are the ultimate faux-pas.

Avoid using confusing, abbreviated text language if the recipient may not understand it. Use as much conventional grammar, spelling and punctuation as necessary to make yourself clearly understood. The usual salutations and sign offs can be ignored.

Don't send or read text messages when you are out in company and turn your phone to silent when in a business meeting or a quiet zone on a train.

As with ring tones, choose your text alert tone with care - a short bleep will suffice.

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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