The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly

The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is appointed by the Crown.

The Lord High Commissioner takes up residence for the week of the Assembly in the Palace of Holyroodhouse. By custom, he or she addresses the Assembly at its opening and closing sessions, and attends much of the daily business, but is strictly not able to influence debates. There is also an important social aspect to the Lord High Commissioner's role, and he or she will host several dinner parties, and a garden party, at Holyroodhouse during the week's deliberations.

How to Address The Lord High Commissioner

The recommended style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Your Grace (this form of address is adhered to even when the Office holder is a member of the royal family, with the sole exception of the Duke of Edinburgh, who would be referred to as His Royal Highness in all references, having senior precedence to the Lord High Commissioner)
End of letter I have the honour to remain, Your Grace's most devoted and obedient servant
Envelope His (or Her) Grace the Lord High Commissioner
Verbal address Your Grace
Invitation The Lord High Commissioner
Joint invitation* The Lord High Commissioner and Mrs Reid
Description in conversation The Lord High Commissioner
List of Directors or Patrons The Rt Hon George Reid, Lord High Commissioner
Place card The Lord High Commissioner

*Note: Traditionally, invitations to a married couple, when sent to their home address, are addressed to the wife alone, with both names being inscribed on the invitation card. It has become increasingly acceptable, however, to address the envelope with both names.



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