Prince William's Charities

Although Prince William is currently focusing on his military career, he also wants to show his support for organisations that reflect issues he cares about both in the UK and abroad. To further their charitable work, Prince William and Prince Harry created their own Foundation in 2009 which focuses on issues that they both care about.

The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry has three main aims: helping young people in society; raising awareness and support for servicemen and women; and developing sustainable models of living in the light of climate change and dwindling natural resources.


Prince William is Patron or President of the following organisations:

100 Women in Hedge Funds' Philanthropic Initiatives
Patron (from 1/1/2010)

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)
President (from 21/02/2010)

Patron (from 13/09/2005)

The Child Bereavement Charity
Patron (12/03/2009)

The English Schools' Swimming Association (ESSA)
Patron (from 16/05/2007)

The Foundation of the College of St. George
Vice President (from 22/08/2008)

The Football Association
President (from 01/05/2006)

Henry Van Straubenzee Memorial Fund
Joint Patron (with Prince Harry, from 08/01/2009)

The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
Royal Master of the Bench (from 06/07/2009)

HMS Alliance Conservation Appeal
Patron (from 10/06/2008)

Mountain Rescue (England and Wales)
Patron (from 16/05/2007)

National Memorial Arboretum Future Foundations Appeal
Patron (from 24/04/2009)

Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge (Fields in Trust)
Patron (from 07/06/2010)

Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Patron (from 10/09/2008)

The Royal Marsden Hospital
President (from 16/05/2007)

The Royal Society
Fellow (from 02/07/2010)

Scott-Amundsen Centenery Race 2011/2012
Patron (from 20/11/2010)

Skill Force
Patron (from 26/02/2009)

The Tusk Trust
Patron (from 19/12/2005)

The University of St. Andrews 600th Appeal
Patron (from 25/02/2011)

The Welsh Rugby Union
Vice Royal Patron (from 04/02/2007)



The Royal Family

Debrett's notebooks

Debrett's notebooks

Office etiquette

Office etiquette