
A Chaplain serving with HM Forces is addressed by his ecclesiastical rank, and never in speech by his relative Service rank, which is only for administrative purposes.

It is not necessary or usual to write the Service rank, but when used formally it must appear in brackets after the ecclesiastical title and before the Chaplain's Christian name or initials. For example, The Reverend (Air Vice Marshall) A B Bloggs Royal Air Force.

The Heads of Chaplaincy for each of the Services can be chaplains from any of the contributing Churches, so there is no title common to them (see below).

How to Address the Heads of Chaplaincy in HM Forces

Beginning of letter (Navy)? Dear Chaplain of the Fleet; ( Army)? Dear Chaplain General;? (RAF) ? Dear Chaplain-in-Chief
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope The Chaplain of the Fleet, The Chaplain General of HM Land Forces, etc, The Rev (or the Ven or Monsignor) John Smith? followed by his appointment
Verbal address By appointment

Note: The Principal Anglican Chaplain in each of the Services (who may or may not be the Service's Head of Chaplaincy) will be made an Archdeacon with the title of The Venerable.

Note: The Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain in each of the Services (who may or may not be the Service's Head of Chaplaincy) will continue to be made a Vicar General of the Bishopric of the Forces, with the title Monsignor.



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