Etiquette for Children

Increasingly there is a general lack of agreement over how to raise a well-mannered child: from the welter of parenting books to the conflicting demands and confusions of a multi-cultural society, where some children are revered as demi-gods whose will must never be contravened, while others belong to the manners-drummed-in, seen-but-not-heard camp.

Steering a middle course is clearly perilous, but there are surely some universal boundaries to be set. The parent's mantra should be, "Is my child behaving in a way that puts everyone at ease?"

Follow our guidelines to ensure that your child will never (or hardly ever) discomfort or annoy other people.

  • Basic Children's Manners

    Find a compromise between old-school stiffness and laissez-faire carelessness with our golden rules.
  • Table Manners

    Don't get bogged down with arcane niceties; concentrate instead on dining essentials.
  • Social Manners

    Tips that will help your children behave well when they't out and about.
  • Rules for Parents

    It isn't just about teaching your children good manners, it's also about behaving well yourself.
  • Children and New Technology

    How to monitor and control your budding technological whizzkids.

Home Life

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Explore and celebrate the many British rituals, customs and traditions that punctuate the year.

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