Bishops: Church in Wales

The Church in Wales became a separate Province of the Anglican Communion as a result of disestablishment in 1920. The office of Archbishop of Wales is held by one of their six Diocesan Bishops.

The style of address for the Archbishop of Wales is given under Other Archbishops of the Anglican Communion. The styles of address for the Bishops of the Church in Wales are as for Diocesan Bishops of the Church of England.

A Bishop of the Church in Wales signs, after a cross, his Christian name and diocese. The Bishop of Llandaff (who, except that he also happens to be the present Archbishop of Wales) would normally sign as "Landav". The other Bishops sign by the usual spelling of the diocese.

Retired Welsh Bishops

Retired Welsh bishops are addressed in the same way as other retired bishops (i.e. Rt Rev John Smith, Dear Bishop).



Royal Portraits

Royal Portraits