Other Archbishops of the Anglican Communion (Wales, Armagh and Dublin)

How to Address Other Archbishops of the Anglican Communion

The recommended (social) style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Archbishop
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope The Most Rev the Lord Archbishop of Wales; The Most Rev the Lord Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland; The Most Rev the Lord Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland
Verbal address Archbishop
Invitation The Archbishop of Wales/Armagh/Dublin
Joint invitation* The Archbishop of Wherever and Mrs Surname
Description in conversation The Archbishop of Wales/Armagh/Dublin
List of Directors or Patrons The Most Rev the Archbishop of Wales/Armagh/Dublin
Place card The Archbishop of Wales/Armagh/Dublin
Signature The Archbishop of Wales signs himself Barry Cambrensis; the Archbishop of Armagh signs himself Alan Armagh, and the Archbishop of Dublin signs himself John Dublin

*Note: Traditionally, invitations to a married couple, when sent to their home address, are addressed to the wife alone, with both names being inscribed on the invitation card. It has become increasingly acceptable, however, to address the envelope with both names.

Retired Archbishops

On resigning, an Archbishop reverts to the status of a Bishop, and should in principal be addressed as Rt Rev rather than Most Rev. By courtesy, however, he may still be addressed as Archbishop, unless he is actually appointed as a Bishop in this country - when he will be addressed as a Bishop.



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