Godparenting Guide

Adult holding child's hand

Once you understand the pastoral aspects of your expected role, you need to get to grips with the more practical aspects. Here's our guide to being a good godparent:

- Never forget a birthday, Christmas or other significant date. Neglecting the big days of a child's life is unforgivable.

-?Call them on their birthday or at Christmas: if they never hear your voice you will always be a stranger to them.

- Give generously on birthdays and at Christmas.

- Find ways of keeping in touch: send them little presents in the post.

- When they are old enough, send regular emails and text messages and encourage them to contact you independently from their parents.

- Think carefully about what you buy for them: a child will probably prefer to receive frequent inexpensive presents than one very expensive gift.

- Try and be there for big occasions such as special family days, school plays and birthday parties.

- Spend time with your godchild alone: you can build up your own rapport together away from the parents.

- Speak to them as your equal: you have a unique opportunity to be one of their first grown-up friends.

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Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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