DIY MP3 Discos

With the advent of digital music, many couples decide on a DIY playlist for their wedding entertainment. This where they put a few hours' of music onto an MP3 player and let the disco man itself.

Someone will need to be nominated to be in charge of the MP3 player to start and end the music and check that all is going to plan.

There are also specilaist companies who complie a playlist for the couple, and supply it preloaded on a MP3 player for the wedding disco. The device is just plugged in the disco is ready to go. This is a convenient option for couples who are short of time or who have a limited music collection.

- The couple should hire a sound system for the disco: flooring and lighting may also be required.
- The set up of the equipment should be organised in advance and carried out before the guests arrive.
- The couple should compile a playlist for longer than the allocated dancing time in case the party goes on for later than expected.
- A spare copy of the playlist, either on CD or on another MP3 player, should be made in case of emergency.
- Also beware sound levels can vary between tracks on an MP3 player so keep an ear out should this happen.

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