Golden Rules for Public Transport

Stand back to let other passengers on to the train - no barging.

Move down the carriages - don't form a 'clump' near the doors, preventing other passengers getting on.

Any requests (to move down, move to one side), should be prefaced by a polite "Excuse me please"

Don't spill over into the neighbouring seats - tuck bags neatly under your feet.

If train seats are strewn with discarded newspapers, move them to the shelf behind the seats; don't toss them on the floor.

Be aware that your headphones might be leaking sound and irritating other passengers - switch down the volume.

Give up your seat to elderly people and to anyone who is obviously pregnant or carrying a small child.

Keep personal grooming private: no tweezing, plucking, manicuring etc. on public transport.

On escalators keep to the right, and be aware - if you're ambling in corridors - that other people may be in a hurry and anxious to get past.

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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