Other Clergy

How to Address a Rural Dean

There is no special form of address, but he is often an honorary Canon, if not see Other Clergy (below).

How to Address Other Clergy

The difference between a Rector and a Vicar is now purely nominal. A Rector was in receipt of greater and lesser tithes, and a Vicar of the lesser tithes only. Tithes were virtually abolished in 1936.  Vicars are now appointed to most new livings.

The recommended (social) style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Rector/Dear Vicar
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope The Reverend* John Smith/Jane Smith
Verbal address Rector/Vicar
Invitation The Reverend John Smith/Jane Smith
Joint invitation** The Reverend John and Mrs Smith (Mr John and the Reverend Jane Smith); The Reverend John and Jane Smith if both husband and wife are ordained
Description in conversation The Rector/Vicar
List of Directors or Patrons The Reverend John Smith
Place card The Reverend John Smith

*Note: 'The Reverend' is sometimes shortned to 'The Revd'. An alternative form is 'Rev John/Jane Smith'.

**Note: Traditionally, invitations to a married couple, when sent to their home address, are addressed to the wife alone, with both names being inscribed on the invitation card. It has become increasingly acceptable, however, to address the envelope with both names.



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