Metropolitan Police and City of London Police: Upper Ranks

The ranks of Commander and above differentiate the Met and the City of London Police from other police services.

How to Address a Commissioner

The recommended social style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Sir John (if a Knight); Dear Dame Elizabeth (if a Dame); otherwise Dear Mr Smith or Commissioner
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope Sir John Jones (followed by decorations); John Jones, Esq (followed by decorations); Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis or for the City of London
Verbal communication Commissioner, or by name

Decorations are listed after the name and before the appointment.

See Letters After the Name?

How to address a Deputy or Assistant Commissioner

The recommended social style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter As for Commissioner, but if by his/her appointment, Dear Deputy Commissioner (or Assistant Commissioner)
Envelope Sir John Smith (followed by decorations), Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolis/for the City of London; John Smith, Esq (followed by decorations) (then as above)
Verbal communication By appointment or by name

How to address a Deputy Assistant Commissioner

The recommended social style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith or Dear Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Envelope John Smith, Esq (followed by decorations) Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police
Verbal address By appointment or by name

How to address a Commander

The recommended social style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Commander Smith (or appropriate rank), or Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith
Envelope With rank before name, followed by 'Metropolitan Police' or 'City of London Police', e.g. Commander J. W. Johnson, MBE, Metropolitan Police, or by name followed by appointment, e.g. John W. Johnson, Esq, MBE, Commander, City of London Police




Royal Portraits

Royal Portraits