
A cardinal is a senior ecclesiastical official - usually a bishop - in the Roman Catholic Church.

Cardinals are collectively known as 'the College of Cardinals', and their duties are to attend to the pope, elect a new pope, and attend regular meetings of the College. Cardinals also have their own ecclesiastical duties, often related to the dioceses over which they preside.

The Catholic Church in England and Wales, consisting of 22 dioceses, is co-ordinated by the Bishops' Conference, which is headed by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster (president), and the Archbishop of Liverpool (vice-president).

How to Address a Cardinal

If appointed to a See, a Cardinal may be formally addressed by his appointment, e.g. His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, otherwise His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

The recommended style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Cardinal
End of letter Yours sincerely or Yours respectfully
Envelope His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Verbal address Cardinal
Invitation The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster




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