Moderator of the General Assembly

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is nominated by a committee of the Assembly every year. His or her duties are to preside at meeting of the Assembly, to lead daily worship, to keep order, to rule on points of law, and to sign documents on behalf of the Assembly. It is an honorary role, held for twelve months. If the Moderator is a minister, he or she is addressed as 'The Rt Rev' during his/her term of office.

How to Address the Moderator

The recommended style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Moderator/Dear Dr/Mr Smith
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope The Rt Rev the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or The Rt Rev John Smith
Verbal address Moderator
Invitation The Rt Rev John Smith
Joint invitation* The Rt Rev John and Mrs Smith
Description in conversation The Moderator
List of Directors or Patrons The Rt Rev John Smith
Place card The Rt Rev John Smith

After his term of office a former Moderator, who is a minister, is styled The Very Rev John Smith. If not a minister there is no special form of address for a former Moderator.

*Note: Traditionally, invitations to a married couple, when sent to their home address, are addressed to the wife alone, with both names being inscribed on the invitation card. It has become increasingly acceptable, however, to address the envelope with both names.




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