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Persson: The Cardigans will be back
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140410164239/http://music.uk.msn.com/news/persson-the-cardigans-will-be-back
Updated: 09/02/2014 07:46 | By pa.press.net

Persson: The Cardigans will be back

Nina Persson says she thinks there will be another Cardigans album

Nina Persson says she thinks there will be another Cardigans album

Nina Persson says she thinks there will be another Cardigans album

Nina Persson has said she feels sure that The Cardigans will be back with a new album in the future.

The band's singer releases her solo album, Animal Heart, on February 10 but said that she hadn't split with the rest of the group.

Asked if there would be a new Cardigans album, she replied: "That's the plan, we have been discussing it, the when and how. It will happen I'm sure."

Nina said she had taken some time off after becoming a mum and had enjoyed the freedom of making music when she chose to: " I have recorded songs with the Manic Street Preachers and a collective I'm involved with here in New York called The Citizens Band, so I have been doing stuff, but it's not much, and it's not in the public eye.

"I like not having the urgency. I could live the rest of my life without working, I'm really good at it. Fame and glory aren't things I crave."

She also said that she didn't think getting married and parenthood had changed her songwriting too much.

"I've been married 13 years now, and I've been writing more than ever about complications in relationships, sexuality and things, so that's not changed by getting married.

"I did wonder what having a child would do to me, especially after my life that's basically been without responsibility. When I started to write I immediately picked up the thread where I'd dropped it.

"That was a relief because you get these artists who write songs about their kids and I didn't want to do that. It'd be like showing someone pictures of your kids all the time, it's boring for them."

:: Nina Persson plays one night at London's Scala on March 5. For more information, go to www.lojinx.com.

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10/02/2014 09:42
thank god for that its been a cold wet winter and I for one cant do without my cardigan ??
Is that the question of the moment in the U.K. - Will the Cardigans make another L.P. ? . M.S.N. get worse .
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