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UniSTS is a comprehensive database of sequence tagged sites (STSs) derived from STS-based maps and other experiments. STSs are defined by PCR primer pairs and are associated with additional information such as genomic position, genes, and sequences.
  • Summary of Maps in UniSTS
Organism Total Total  
  Map name Map title markers UniSTSs1 Links2
Acacia mangium
butcher_2000 butcher_2000 247 33    MapViewer   ftp
Allium cepa
Havey_05 Onion Genetic Map 233 35  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Antirrhinum majus
Schwarz-Sommer_10 intraspecific snapdragon 300 135  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Antirrhinum majus x Antirrhinum molle
Schwarz-Sommer_03 2003 interspecific linkage map 239 1  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Apis mellifera
Hunt Hunt Honeybee Linkage Map 7_25_05 1,155 1    MapViewer   ftp
Solignac_1700 Solignac Genetic Map, 1694 markers 1,636 1,622  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Solignac_3 Solignac Linkage Map (AmelMap3) 2,008 2,007  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Arabidopsis lyrata
lyratap_beaulieu_07 petraea_x_lyrata 105 1    MapViewer   ftp
Arachis duranensis x Arachis stenosperma
SSR_05 diploid peanut, 2005, SSR 170 151  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Avena sativa
AsXAw_00 Diploid Oat, AFLP 509 2  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Avena strigosa x Avena wiestii
As_x_Aw_00 Diploid oat, AFLP 509 3  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Beta vulgaris
McGrath_07 McGrath_07 331 23        ftp
Betula pendula
Pekkinen_06 2006 silver birch linkage map 104 17  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Bombus terrestris
Stolle2 Bombus terrestris Linkage Map 552 303  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Bos taurus
ILTX 5000 Rad Cattle RH Map, 2005 Release 3,484 3,396  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
MARC MARC Bovine Linkage Map 1,419 1,365  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Brassica juncea
Panjabi_08 B. juncea Intron Polymorphism map 723 4  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Brassica napus
BBSRC-SSR N-o-61-9 SSR map 225 89  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
N-fo-72-8 N-fo-72-8 272 5  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
bnapus_bin bnapus_bin 13,567 13  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
piquemal_05 B. napus, piquemal_05 363 55  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
Brassica oleracea
A12xGD-206_2000 B. oleracea, A12xGD-206_2000 862 4    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Li_2003 Li_2003 246 11  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
NxG-97_2000 B. oleracea, NxG-97_2000 434 4    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
O_Integrated_2000 B. oleracea, Integrated_2000 1,659 5    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Brassica rapa
choi_07 choi_07 556 4  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
park_06 park_06 543 7  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
reference_kr2009 reference_kr2009 719 4  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Bubalus bubalis
RH River buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) radiation Hybrid map 2,621 796    MapViewer   ftp
Canis lupus familiaris
RHDF5000 Canine 1Mb RH Map 3,092 3,031  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Capsicum annuum x Capsicum frutescens
F_x_A_03 Pepper-FA03 689 2    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Carica papaya
Ming_07 Ming_07 707 691  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Cocos nucifera
RIT1 Cameroon Red Dwarf x Rennell Island Tall-1 236 11  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RIT2 Cameroon Red Dwarf x Rennell Island Tall-2 336 18  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Riedel_2009 East African Tall x Rennell Island Tall, 2009 764 4    MapViewer   ftp
Corylus avellana
Mehlenbacher_2006R Mehlenbacher, resistant parent 586 9  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Cryptococcus neoformans
Cneo_B3501_B3502 Linkage map of Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans serotype D 285 279  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Cucumis melo
Gonzalo_2005 merged melon linkage maps 337 60  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
2006_Romanesco_C3 2006 Romanesco C3 genetic map 222 11  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
2009_Romanesco_C3 2009 Romensco C3 genetic map 334 45  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Altilis41 2009 Altilis 41 genetic map 210 25  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Spinso 2006 Spinoso genetic map 195 9  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Danio rerio
GAT Gates Haploid Panel Map 433 304  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
HS Heat Shock Diploid Cross Map 6,070 1,423  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
LN54 Loeb/NIH/5000/4000 Map 5,592 3,366  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
MGH Boston MGH Cross Map 3,857 1,980  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
MOP Mother of Pearl Map 703 321  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
T51 Goodfellow T51 Map 16,873 5,875  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
ZMAP Zebrafish Genome Integrated Map 32,178 8,351    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Elaeis guineensis
Billotte_05 2005 oil palm microsatellite linkage map 786 231  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Eleusine coracana
Devos_2007 finger millet 2007 330 31  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Equus caballus
RH Horse radiation hybrid map 3,816 3,813    MapViewer   ftp
Eucalyptus grandis
Grattapaglia_gr_06 Grattapaglia_gr_06 816 197  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla
Grattapaglia_06 eucalyptus_consensus 202 201  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Eucalyptus urophylla
Grattapaglia_ur_06 Grattapaglia_ur_06 160 160  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Felis catus
Genetic Genetic map of the domestic cat 328 318  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Genetic2009 Cat genetic map 2009 529 529  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RH Cat radiation hybrid map 2008 2,674 2,674  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Fragaria vesca x Fragaria nubicola
FV_x_FN_2004 Fragaria vesca x Fragria nubicola 2004 genetic 80 35  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
FV_x_FN_2006 Fragaria vesca x Fragria nubicola 2006 genetic 185 77  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Gallus gallus
WUR Wageningen University chicken linkage Map 2,110 960  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Glycine max
2004_SSR 2004 Integrated Genetic Linkage Map 1,848 1,013  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Comp_03 Composite 2003 3,051 1,007    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Comp_99 Composite 1999 2,133 595    MapViewer   ftp
Cregan_03 2003 Integrated Genetic Linkage Map 1,848 1,012  PubMed     ftp
Helianthus annuus
Al-Chaarani_04 PAC2 x RHA266 RIL Al-Chaarani 2004 395 4  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Alfadil_07 PAC2 x RHA266 RIL Alfadil 2007 444 116    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Burke_02 cmsHA898 x Ann1238 Burke 2002 185 96  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Burke_04 Composite Burke 2004 288 265  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Gandhi_05 NMS373 x ANN1811 BC Gandhi 2005 140 62  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Hopi_x_ANN1238_2007 Hopi x ANN1238_Wills & Burke 2007 43 19    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Hu_06 RHA280 x RAH801 Hu 2006 760 398  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Kiani_07 PAC2 x RHA266 Kiani 2007b 559 135    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Lai_05 RHA280 x RHA801_RIL Lai 2005b 427 176  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
PHA_x_PHB_03 PHA x PHB_RIL_Yu et al. 2003 266 233    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Tang_02 RHA280 x RHA801 RIL Tang 2002 459 390  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Tang_03 Composite Tang 2003 658 468  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Tang_06 RHA280 x RAH801 Tang 2006b 171 111    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
ril_Yu_03 RHA280 x RHA801 RIL Yu 2003 576 389    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Homo sapiens
GeneMap99-GB4 Human Transcript Map 99 104,388 48,938  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
GeneMap99-GB4 Human Transcript Map 99 104,388 48,938  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Genethon Genethon Human Linkage Map, 1995 release 5,264 5,264  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Marshfield Marshfield human genetic Map 7,698 7,694  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
NCBI RH Computed integrated panel Map 23,727 23,699  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
NHGRI-7 NHGRI chr 7 Physical Map 2,117 2,117  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
Stanford-G3 Stanford G3 Map 7,198 7,149  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
TNG Stanford TNG RH Map 36,634 35,608  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
WUSTL-X WashU Chr. X STS Map 1,664 1,662  PubMed     ftp
Whitehead-RH Whitehead RH Map, July 1997 release 14,658 14,627  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Whitehead-YAC Whitehead STS Map, July 1997 release 10,469 10,449  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
deCODE deCODE high resolution genetic Map 5,135 5,012  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Hordeum bulbosum
Hbulbosum_2001 H.bulbosum, PB1 x PB11 138 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Hordeum vulgare
B_x_E_1997 Blenheim x E224/3 112 2  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Cons03 Barley Consensus 2003 705 113    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Cons95 Barley consensus 587 5    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Cons96 Barley consensus 2 880 5  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
D_x_M Barley, Dicktoo x Morex 117 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
I_x_F_00 Barley, Igri x Franka 487 18    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
I_x_F_03 Barley, Igri x Franka, SSR 210 9  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
L_x_Hs_00 Barley, LxHs 348 232  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
L_x_V_06 Barley, L94 x Vada 2006 958 78  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
NABGMP00 Barley, HxT 177 2    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
NABGMP03 North American Barley Genetic Mapping Project 2003 618 25    MapViewer   ftp
NABGMP93 Barley, SxM 327 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
OWB_04 Barley, OWB, 2004 205 45    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
OWB_96 Barley, OWB 159 31    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
P_x_N_95 Barley, PxN 282 4  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
S_x_M_SSR Barley, Steptoe x Morex, SSR 201 30  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
T_x_E_2000 Barley, TxE 233 25    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Lolium perenne
Armstead_02 2002 Integrated Genetic Map 167 2    MapViewer   ftp
Lotus japonicus
F_x_G L. filicaulis x L. japonicus Gifu 172 144  PubMed     ftp
F_x_G_06 L. filicaulis X L. japonicus Gifu 174 153  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
G_x_M L. japonicus Gifu x L. japonicus MG-20 190 180  PubMed     ftp
G_x_M_06 L. japonicus Gifu X L. japonicus MG-20 191 184  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Lf_X_Lj_02 Lotus japonicus genetic map 608 45  PubMed     ftp
Lf_X_Lp_02 Lf_X_Lp_02 607 31  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
kazusa_lotus kazusa_lotus 782 778    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
lj_composite_06 lj_composite 914 193  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
lj_composite_06 lj_composite 914 193  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Lupinus angustifolius
83A:476_x_P27255_2006 2006 83A:476xP27255 382 122  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Macaca mulatta
RH First Generation RH Map 801 793  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Manihot esculenta
cassava_F_05 cassava_F_05 205 42    MapViewer   ftp
cassava_M_05 cassava_M_05 139 22    MapViewer   ftp
fregene_2006 fregene_2006 100 42    MapViewer   ftp
Medicago sativa
Julier_composite Julier_composite 107 76  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
cook_alfa_04 cook_alfa_04 181 58  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Medicago truncatula
Davis04 Davis 2004 genetic 297 263  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Davis06 Davis 2006 genetic 539 514  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Minnesota04 Young(U.Minn)2004 542 515    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Minnesota06 Young(U.Minn)2006 1,038 555    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Meleagris gallopavo
UMN University of Minnesota Turkey Genetic Linkage Map 354 342  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Mus musculus
MGI Mouse Genome Database genetic Map 21,836 18,094    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
WI/MRC-RH Whitehead-MRC RH Mouse Map v12 14,158 13,813  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
WI_GEN Whitehead Mouse Genetic Map 6,536 6,518  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
WI_YAC Whitehead Mouse YAC Map 7,578 7,569  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Musa acuminata
AFCAM_06 AFCAM 2006 243 20    MapViewer   ftp
Borli_2009 Borli 2009 483 113    MapViewer   ftp
Nicotiana tabacum
Bindler_2007 Red Russian x Hicks Broad Leaf 292 278  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Nicotiana tomentosiformis
Wu_2010 Nicotiana tomentosiformis diploid tobacco linkage map 297 289  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Oryza sativa
JP_HD_00 Latest High-density Rice Genetic Map 3,278 53    MapViewer   ftp
JP_HD_98 High-density Rice Genetic Map 2,286 53  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
R R 894 121  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RC00 RC00 462 17        ftp
RC01 Cornell RFLP 2001 927 44  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RC94 Cornell RFLP 1994 615 10  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RD00 RD00 401 258  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RD01 Cornell SSR 2001 601 431  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RK98 KRGRP 1998 295 74    MapViewer   ftp
RS98 RS98 325 66    MapViewer   ftp
RW99 RW99 567 2  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Ovis aries
CAB CAB Ovine Linkage Map 883 877  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
SM4.7 SheepMap4.7 1,411 1,210    MapViewer   ftp
Phaseolus vulgaris
Adam-Blondon94 Paris RFLP 1994 153 2  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Blair_03 Blair 2003 SSR 246 70  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Gepts98 Freyre 98 234 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Pinus pinaster
ritter_02 ritter_02 747 2    MapViewer   ftp
Plasmodium falciparum
NIAID NIAID Genetic Map 846 844  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Populus trichocarpa
Cervera_01 Cervera_01 336 55  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Tuskan_04 Tuskan_04 540 78        ftp
Prunus armeniaca
Lito_2007 LxB 2007 578 153    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Valenciano_2002 GxV F1 2002 420 13  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Lito_2003 LxL F2 2003 211 11  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Lito_2007 LxB 2007 578 153    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Polonais_2004 Polonais 2004 109 26  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
StarkEarlyOrange_2004 Stark Early Orange 2004 140 29  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Valenciano_2002 GxV F1 2002 420 13  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Prunus dulcis
Ferragnes_2000 Ferragnes 2000 126 4  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Tuono_2000 Tuono 2000 98 5  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Prunus dulcis x Prunus persica
Dirlewanger_2004 Garfi x Nemared 2003 196 124  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
T_x_E_2003 Texas x Earlygold 2003 347 63  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Prunus persica
P_x_F_2001 PxF peach x P.prunus BC1 2001 108 15  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
P_x_F_2005 PxF peach x P.ferganensis BC1 2005 216 48  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Prunus persica x Prunus dulcis
PMP1_2002 peach x almond 2002 161 4  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Pyrus communis
Hayashi_Bartlett_2004 Bartlett Hayashi 2004 256 68    MapViewer   ftp
Yamamoto_Bartlet_2002 Bartlett, 2002 226 43  PubMed     ftp
Pyrus pyrifolia
Yamamoto_Housui_2002 Housui Hayashi 2004 660 53  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Yamamoto_Housui_2002 Housui Hayashi 2004 660 53  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Quercus robur
Barreneche_98f Barreneche female 1998 94 13    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Barreneche_98m Barreneche male 1998 96 14    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Rattus norvegicus
FHH X ACI Rat FHH x ACI F2 intercross genetic Map 686 684  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
MCW RH Rat radiation hybrid Map 24,328 24,142  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
SHRSP X BN Rat SHRSP x BN F2 intercross genetic Map 2,025 2,016  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Rosa chinensis
Dugo_2005 Rosa chinensis 2005 genetic 146 1  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Rosa hybrid cultivar
Hibrand_2008 Rosa hybrid 2008 genetic 225 2    MapViewer   ftp
Rosa multiflora
93_1-117_2005 93/1-117 2005 genetic 271 15  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
93_1-119_2005 93/1-119 2005 genetic 271 15  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Rubus idaeus
L_x_Gm_2006 Red Raspberry L x Gm 2006 348 48  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
MJ_x_MO_2007 Red Raspberry MJ x MO 2007 120 18  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Salix viminalis
K3_consensus K3 consensus 332 10  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Secale cereale
P87_x_P105_01 Rye, P87 x P105, update 856 12    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
P87_x_P105_04 Rye, P87 x P105, 2004 552 13    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
U_x_E_01 Rye, UC90 x E-line 762 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
P87_x_P105_01 Rye, P87 x P105, update 856 12    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
P87_x_P105_04 Rye, P87 x P105, 2004 552 13    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
U_x_E_01 Rye, UC90 x E-line 762 1    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Solanum lycopersicum
LEXPIMP_01 Tomato-EXPIMP 2001 145 7  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
LEXPIMP_05 Tomato-EXPIMP 2005 83 76    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Ohyama_2009 2009 Kazusa SSR 191 153    MapViewer   ftp
Shirasawa_SSR 2010 Kazusa SSR 2,116 1,460  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Solanum melongena
Nunome_2009 Eggplant Nunome 2009 236 220  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Solanum tuberosum
SCRI_98 SCRI 1998 112 22  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Sorghum bicolor
Hart00 Bhattramakki et al 2000 469 144  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Hart99 Kong et al 2000 145 33    MapViewer   ftp
Klein00 Klein 2000 702 43  PubMed     ftp
Klein04 Klein 2004 708 44  PubMed     ftp
Sus scrofa
MARC MARC Porcine Linkage Map 1,283 1,232  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Theobroma cacao
2004_RGA_UPA402_x_UF676 2004 cocoa resistance gene linkage map 460 21    MapViewer   ftp
CIRAD_00 CIRAD_00 422 21    MapViewer   ftp
Flament_2001 Phytophthora palmivora resistance map 204 8  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Schnell_2003 2003 cocoa resistance gene linkage map 49 19  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Tribolium castaneum
TCLM Tribolium castaneum Linkage Map 14 14  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
TCLM Tribolium casteneum Linkage Map 428 428  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Trifolium pratense
Con_2009 2009 red clover consensus 1,804 1,228  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
SSR_2005 2005 red clover SSR 1,507 1,233  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Triticum aestivum
AxF_03 Arina x Forno 1,362 150  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
AxF_03 Arina x Forno 1,362 150  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
CS_SQ1 Wheat, Chinese Spring x SQ1 646 236  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Comp04 2004 Composite 4,034 755    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Court_x_CSPSI_03 Wheat, Courtot x Chinese Spring, 2005 511 152  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
FxO_99 Forno x Oberkulmer 1999 948 7    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
FxO_99 Forno x Oberkulmer 1999 948 7    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Grandin_x_BR34 Wheat, Grandin x BR34, 2005 368 111  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Hayden_06 Wheat, Composite, 2007 987 489  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
N_x_W_2008 Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai 887 432  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
RFLP_95 Synthetic-Opata Map 1,960 4  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
SSR_00 Synthetic-Opata BARC SSR 1,411 374      LinkOut ftp
SSR_02 Synthetic-Opata 2002 SSR 310 61  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
SSR_03 Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, BARC 1,408 410  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
SSR_04 Consensus SSR 1,234 567  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
SSR_98 Synthetic-Opata 1998 SSR 582 217  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Syn_x_Opata_03 Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, 2003 367 59    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Triticum turgidum
JKxC_00 T.turgidum, JK x Cham1 1,194 23      LinkOut ftp
JK_x_C_2 T.turgidum, JK x Cham1,2 470 24    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
JKxC_00 T.turgidum, JK x Cham1 1,194 23      LinkOut ftp
Kofa_x_UC1113 T.turgidum, Kofa x UC1113 306 215  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Langdon_x_G18-16 Langdon x G18-16 307 60  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
M_x_M_ssr T.turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides SSR 291 74    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
O_x_M Omrabi5 x dicoccoides, QTL 299 93  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
S_x_C T.turgidum, Svevo x Ciccio 249 96  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
Turnera subulata x Turnera krapovickasii
Labonne_09 Turnera interspecific linkage map 86 4  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Vigna angularis
Tsukuba_2005 azuki bean 2005 485 6  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Vigna umbellata
Somta_2006 V. umbellata x V. nakashimae 175 4    MapViewer   ftp
Vitis vinifera
A1_C_SG A1_C_SG 256 230  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
A2_Riesling A2_Riesling 108 105  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
DG_C_Ch_x_Bi DG_C_ChXBi 1,256 284  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
DG_C_Ch_x_Bi DG_C_ChXBi 1,256 284  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
DG_F_Chardonnay DG_F_Chardonnay 245 233  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
DG_M_Bianca DG_M_Bianca 263 250  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
D_C_Apy D_C_Apy 214 190  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
D_F_2223 D_F_2223 157 147  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
D_M_2121 D_M_2121 184 171  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Grenache_031220 Grenache_031220 179 174  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Integrated_07 Integrated_07 515 400  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Integrated_fw_07 Integrated_fw_07 257 250  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
RGC_2007 resistance gene candidates 2007 743 398  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
R_C_Ri_x_CS R_C_RiXCS 688 165  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
R_C_Ri_x_CS R_C_RiXCS 688 165  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
R_F_Riesling R_F_Riesling 138 134  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
R_M_CabernetS R_M_CabernetS 144 141  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Riesling_031220 Riesling_031220 100 98  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
SG_031220 SG_031220 220 212  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Syrah_031220 Syrah_031220 174 170  PubMed MapViewer   ftp
Zea mays
Bins bins 7,627 1,070  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
MW99 CU 99 2,174 3  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
Gene_05 Genetic 2005 2,463 33    MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IBM00 IBM 2000 365 290  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IBM02 IBM1 1,648 767  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IBM04 IBM2 2,003 1,107  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IDP_4_ISU ISU IBM 4 3,202 2,220  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IDP_4_MMP MMP IDP 3,413 2,401  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
IDP_7 ISU IBM 7 5,705 3,661  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
MITE_2000 MITE 495 2  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
MW99 CU 99 2,174 3  PubMed   LinkOut ftp
UMC98 UMC 98 1,739 19  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut ftp
1Among markers mapped in the map, a subset of markers that are STSs and with available primer sequences were imported to UniSTS.
2 PubMed PubMed, MapViewer MapViewer, LinkOut data source. Clicking on the MapViewer will display the first chromosome using the Map Viewer.
Last Updated June 12, 2013