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Inspiring quotes from the curviest stars - In celebration of curves: stars speak out - Diet - MSN UK Wellbeing
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  • MSN Wellbeing
Updated: 11/09/2014 14:30 | By Anna Taylor-Rox, editor, MSN Wellbeing
In celebration of curves: stars speak out

Inspiring quotes from the curviest stars

Inspiring quotes from the curviest stars (© AP / Rex)
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Kelly Brook looks fabulous modelling the clothes in her debut collection for fashion label, Simply Be. Famous for her voluptuous figure, she’s teamed up with the retailer to create a new range of outfits that start from a smaller size 10 to plus-size 22.

'I really wanted it to reflect some of the latest trends but also give women the confidence to embrace and show off their assets,' explained Kelly.

It’s yet another reminder that being bigger than a size eight isn't a bad thing.

Need more inspiration? Flick through our gallery for more inspiring quotes from celebrities who love their bodies.

12/09/2014 09:08
'No to skinnes' etc.  Just another body fascist but this time arguing for the other Ideal.  Don't imagine you're making a feminist statement by disparaging thin women. You're not.  I understand that there has been an under-representation of fuller figured women in Hollywood and the media in general, but that's no reason to diss thin girls.   And by the way,  why should "what men don't like" (or like) dictate how women should feel about themselves?  Let's discourage this perception and way of thinking.  It's always been toxic for women.

12/09/2014 05:56
Girls like Kelly should stick to their guns, most men don't like skinny girls.
12/09/2014 08:29
I'm sorry but am I the only person who is sick of Jennifer Lawrence and her opinions on real figures?  She is young and definitely thin (not in a bad way), so why say she would rather look chubby and healthy when in actual fact there is nothing of her?
12/09/2014 13:48

Kim Kardashispams curves are what? Implants? And that's sexy these days? HELL NO

12/09/2014 07:20

if you have it like Beyoncé flaunt it like Beyoncé.

12/09/2014 05:58

Good for you Kate, you are perfect the way you are


12/09/2014 12:52

even if I do eat 73 doughnuts for breakfast

12/09/2014 10:21
T banks got the best figure there and she not even trying !
Skinny women who're all ribs, bones and razor sharp pelvis are giving out the wrong image to impressionable youngsters. If you are not morbidly obese or a member of the 'Belsen Babes' T.M.  then you should be, at least, comfortable in your own skin not starving yourself for an image more in keeping with a five year old. Skinny is not beautiful, it's peer pressure.
12/09/2014 06:15
Simply Be actually go up to and sometimes over a size 32 not 22,yay them at least they see a market for anyone who is  larger than a 16/18 and like it or not we exist :)
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