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Best online storage providers - Best cloud storage solutions
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140306175255/http://tech.uk.msn.com/features/best-cloud-storage-solutions
19/02/2014 15:00 | By Dan Sung, contributor, MSN Tech
Best cloud storage solutions

Best online storage providers

Cloud storage (© Getty Images)
  • Cloud storage (© Getty Images)
  • OneDrive (© Microsoft)
  • Dropbox (© Dropbox)
  • Google Drive (© Google Drive)
  • Amazon Cloud Drive (© Amazon Cloud Drive)
  • Apple iCloud (© Apple)
  • Bitcasa Infinite Drive (© Bitcasa Infinite Drive)
  • SugarSync app (© SugarSync)
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Microsoft OneDrive arrives today looking to be the only cloud storage and file syncing solution that you’ll need. With a field already packed full of competition, it’s an ambitious move to make especially given that SkyDrive, OneDrive’s predecessor, while good, was very much a part of many people’s online file stores rather than all they ever needed. So, can OneDrive pull it off?

To help you make up your minds, we at MSN Tech reckon that you need a decent idea of all the good cloud storage platforms available right now. So, here, in this very gallery, we’ve gone through the lot for you, details and all, and broken them down into the facts and figures that you really need to know.

Let us know in the comments which you use, which you’ll start using from now and if you think that there’s any one solution answer or if it’s a matter of picking and choosing a few to work with at the same time.

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