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How to upgrade your old laptop - Breathe new life into your old PC
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140323025314/http://tech.uk.msn.com:80/laptops/breathe-new-life-into-your-old-pc
20/03/2014 11:15 | By Dan Sung, contributor, MSN Tech
Breathe new life into your old PC

How to upgrade your old laptop

Laptop (© Sony)
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It’s time to spring-clean your computer. It has been running with its RAM sticks tied together for months now, coughing and spluttering at the most simple of tasks. It’s not time to replace it. There’s no need to shell out for a new laptop. Not yet. All your PC needs is a little love and today we’ll show you how to give it just that and breathe new life into your old computer.

Nothing we’re going to talk you through is wildly complicated but it is going to take a sense of adventure and one or two internet guides to get you through the process.

So, now that you’ve girded your loins, prepare to save yourself lots of cash, gain an immense feeling of satisfaction and actually walk out of it all with a super-speed computer, just like the one you bought all those years ago.

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