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Best Windows Phone apps - Best free apps for Windows Phone 8
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140410113222/http://tech.uk.msn.com/microsoft/windows-8/best-free-apps-for-windows-phone-eight
Updated: 19/08/2013 13:15 | By Matt Farrington-Smith, editor, MSN Tech
Best free apps for Windows Phone 8

Best Windows Phone apps

Windows Phone apps (© MSN)
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Got yourself a Windows Phone handset but have no idea what apps to load up on it?

If so, don't panic, MSN Tech is on hand with a handy guide to all that's good in the world of the Windows Marketplace.

Simply click on the image above to peruse all the best Windows Phone apps...

Don't forget that you can also download Microsoft's very own Bing News, Weather, Sports and Finance Apps today: Read more about Bing Apps on Windows Phone

More on MSN Tech:

On Bing: Search for more Windows Phone 8 apps


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