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Hands-on previews of the new iPads - Apple iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display hands-on
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140410110604/http://tech.uk.msn.com/tablets/apple-ipad-air-and-ipad-mini-with-retina-display-hands-on
23/10/2013 10:45 | By Paul Lamkin, senior editor, MSN Tech
Apple iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display hands-on

Hands-on previews of the new iPads

Apple iPad mini 2 and new iPad hands on (© MSN)
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Just like new iPhones, new iPads now come in pairs. That's right tech fans, Apple has announced a new tablet duo to excite the masses – the new iPad Air and the iPad mini with Retina display.

MSN Tech has had its hands-on both new Apple tablets, here’s our early verdict on the new slates.

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