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It's a boom time for British beer - The UK's best microbreweries - MSN Food | MSN UK
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In partnership with Sainsbury's
Updated: 03/03/2014 18:45 | By Tamara Hinson, contributor, MSN Food
The UK's best microbreweries

It's a boom time for British beer

Boom time for beer (© Various)
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Is it beer o'clock yet? The number of independent breweries operating across the UK is currently at a 70-year high and, with this in mind, we've rounded up the best options for a locally produced, independently pulled pint.

Click on the gallery to check out some of the UK's best microbreweries.

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On Bing: microbrewery tours

01/03/2014 12:46
I Will Drink to that, In fact i approve of the glass with the big handle the barmaid is pulling the pint into above. A proper Pint Glass..
01/03/2014 18:55

I can brew a pint of beer that would put most pubs in a five mile radius to shame,variety too what's your tipple ? stout,or perhaps an IPA or how about a Belgian farmhouse saisson, Bavarian wheat beer to your liking, or maybe just a good old fashion English bitter. Cost anywhere between 35p and 70p a pint depending on the ingredients, however whilst it gives me a warm glow to know I am not paying the man, come  to sell it legally and I wouldn't get any profit out of  £2.50 - £3.50 a pint.

So how is it I can pick up a 500ml can of Euroe fizz for a £1 at my local shop, and I know for a fact he gets it from the cash and carry and not some back street dodgy del boy, simple tax paid in the E.U                  

01/03/2014 12:49
Until we get a government that can see the importance of the local Pub and Club both to the economy and the Social structure of the country there is very little point of Micro home brew, the Pub industry has been made bankrupt by the Smoking ban and there is no point in denial or propaganda to tell us anything different. It is now beyond doubt that second hand tobacco smoke is Not a danger and the smoking ban has to be Reformed to allow both the Industry and the Public Choice to socialise once again, separate rooms or pubs would give All people the chance to socialise with friends again and give the Industry the boost it is desperate for. The Discrimination of smokers must end. Until we have this common sense approach to civil liberties for All the Closures will not only continue but increase. We know there are very few bans around the world still in operation because of economics and this country is now very out of step.
All these Micro breweries are good for is to produce pretentious over priced beer to pretentious Hooray Henry's in expensive gastro pubs, clubs and wine bars!
The plight of the old working class british pub in the format we once knew and loved it, is now doomed. Dozens more of them close each week. Often to be then bought up and turned into Asian restaurants or cheap private rented accommodation for DSS claimants.
What with the smoking ban, high taxation on pub alcohol prices and the flood of cheap supermarket wine and beer. The extinction of the once beloved boozer is sadly now firmly set in stone.
I suppose that's what comes with progress really. Nothing lasts forever.

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