(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
You won't need to dig deep to afford a meal at these establishments – they're well-priced, original and great fun for not a lot of lucre - The UK’s best cheap eats - Title1
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140410205357/http://food.uk.msn.com/restaurants/uks-best-cheap-eat-restaurants
In partnership with Sainsbury's
Updated: 22/05/2013 08:45 | By Stefan Chomka, contributor, MSN Food
The UK’s best cheap eats

You won't need to dig deep to afford a meal at these establishments – they're well-priced, original and great fun for not a lot of lucre

Dishoom restaurant (© Dishoom)
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Just because the economy is creaking at the seams and you're cutting back on spending doesn't mean you can't afford to eat out, it's just a case of knowing where to look. We've picked some gems across the country where you can break bread without breaking your bank balance at the same time. See if there's a cheap eat restaurant near you by clicking through the images..

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16/09/2012 05:02

Best cheese and onion toastie in Newcastle at the Beehive 99p



22/03/2012 12:29
a filled jacket potato- "only £2.75!  i can buy 2 bags of potatoes at supermarket for only £2!

27/11/2012 23:57

two courses for 7pound at the charlston bar dundee amazing food and amazing service

20/01/2013 00:53
**** Go to the supermarket buy food and make your own stuff,no wonder so many of these places open when people are so lazy! 
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