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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii review - Official Nintendo Magazine
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Official Nintendo Magazine

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii review

Everything explodes everywhere in Modern Warfare 3 Wii

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Wii review: Here it is: the Wii version of Activision's annual, best-selling, running forwards simulator. Do you own another games console? Well get it on that one instead, Nintendo won't be offended. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is so embarrassingly obsessed with high-fidelity, explosion-filled, debris-showered, scream-drenched, testosterone-sipping set-pieces that it's hands-down better on one of those machines that are more technically equipped to draw pictures of the Eiffel Tower being blown up by terrorists.

Otherwise, Infinity Ward have done a startlingly good job of cramming Modern Warfare 3's single player campaign onto the Wii. As with Call Of Duty: Black Ops, scene for scene Modern Warfare 3 Wii is largely an identical experience across all platforms.

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The visuals are on the grubby side of realism, too cool to be colourful but resting comfortably near the Wii's technical apogee and running at a healthy framerate throughout.

The campaign is a whistle stop tour of terrorism's hottest bullseyes, your New York and your London and your Paris, and takes obscene delight in exploding landmarks until you're numb to the sight of thousands of innocents dying in fiery deathswarms.

Shoot To Thrill

Modern Warfare 3 Wii is a ghost train of a shooter: spectacular, thrilling, mostly non-interactive and over too soon. And as it's effectively a pyrotechnics show, a catherine wheel of noisy gunfire and steely-faced willy-waving, it loses a significant degree of its panache on the Wii.

Removing some of Modern Warfare 3's single player campaign's style reveals scant substance beneath, an unironic shooting gallery crossed with a slide show of your grandparent's vacation.

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The Wii's was always going to be the poorest version of Modern Warfare 3, if only because of Infinity Ward's preoccupation with visual excellence. The effort they shovelled into volumetric 5.1 explosions, high-dynamic range moustaches and raytraced machismo is lost on Wii, and instead, in its place, the lack of a truly involving, quality first-person shooter experience bobs embarrassingly to the surface.

The Wii version also loses some of the co-operative Spec Ops missions and the player count in multiplayer modes has been reduced to ten, but the online modes across the board are fun, well populated, balanced and stable.

If the Wii version of Modern Warfare 3 is your only available option, what you get here is a bombastic, if braindead, accomplished shooter with online multiplayer options that stand above those of most other Wii titles. Modern Warfare 3 Wii is an undeniable guilty pleasure both online and off.

Want to know what the DS version of the game is like? Read our Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Defiance DS review.

Discuss Modern Warfare 3 will your friends on the Wii forum.


15 comments so far...
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  1. I Am Error Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 15:43

    well looks like activision put SOMe effort into this but still looks pretty crappy though :/ also i cant remeber the ds review for this but is the ds one is higher thats bad the ds is s**t its terrible ! :evil:

    Edit i didnt mean the ds is bad just mw3 on the ds 8)

  2. peteflea Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 16:16

    Do the wii controls not help this version stand out , or is it simply a matter of the others being better thanks to improved visuals ?

  3. drahuligon Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 16:35

    If they patch lag shooting/corrupt data I may consider getting this, since I loved BO/MWR

  4. Waldy565 Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 17:21

    bit harsh, if you ask me. the visuals look great from what i can see, and who cares if we get cut-down versions of modes, at least we get them!

  5. Komodo_Wolfgang Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 17:52

    Couldnt see this doing well. EA( it IS EA that make it right?) seem to neglect Nintendo anyway.

    Anyway, I just didnt bother reading, went straight to see what score it got. But I noticed that last picture...

    Medal of Honnour Rising Sun anyone?

  6. Yoshifan007 Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 18:08

    urgh typical review full of bias. the online maps are ten times more colorful than black ops and way more customization. you dont mention any of these. a rushed review if you ask me

  7. Dertdood Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 18:39

    It's hardly biased because they clearly said it's worth buying on another console but the wii version is bad.

  8. olrodlegacy Wednesday 16th Nov 2011 at 20:14

    The one key detail for me is whether the online mode will randomly lose connection every five minutes. If so, I'm out.

  9. samus_killer Thursday 17th Nov 2011 at 01:20

    Couldnt see this doing well. EA( it IS EA that make it right?) seem to neglect Nintendo anyway.

    Anyway, I just didnt bother reading, went straight to see what score it got. But I noticed that last picture...

    Medal of Honnour Rising Sun anyone?

    Nope, 'tis Activision.
    I wouldn't say EA 'neglect' Nintendo. Infact, along with Activision and Sega, EA have been one of Nintendo's biggest third party developers in recent years.

  10. K-os XIII Thursday 17th Nov 2011 at 02:36

    Couldnt see this doing well. EA( it IS EA that make it right?) seem to neglect Nintendo anyway.

    Anyway, I just didnt bother reading, went straight to see what score it got. But I noticed that last picture...

    Medal of Honnour Rising Sun anyone?

    Nope, 'tis Activision.
    I wouldn't say EA 'neglect' Nintendo. Infact, along with Activision and Sega, EA have been one of Nintendo's biggest third party developers in recent years.

    You forgot to mention Capcom. They brought us the Ace Attorney series, Monster Hunter Tri, Resident Evil series, Super Street Fighter 4, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Zack & Wiki.

    Alot of them are exclusives or have exclusive features. Capcom never seem to make bad games on Nintendo.

    EA, Activision and Sega have been inconsistent they give us dodgy ports and shovelware but are capable of doing better.

  11. noodle link Thursday 17th Nov 2011 at 08:16

    Own another console? Don't buy it on that, either xD Jokes.

  12. imbusydoctorwho Thursday 17th Nov 2011 at 13:00

    Seems like I'm better of staying with Goldeneye.

  13. BB23 Thursday 17th Nov 2011 at 16:56

    Campaign is nothing special, Black Ops had a much better one. Graphically, it's the nicest looking one of the lot we've had on Wii and the online is where it shines. True, it's lacking the Spec Ops missions, but Survival mode is where it's really at (Spec Ops missions are always bland, based on experience of them on MW2 and MW3). The multiplayer is easily the best it's been, with all maps, callsigns, weapons and proficiencies. My only problems with it are: Useless campaign, hit detection is the laggiest it's been (there's a patch on the way and Hardcore is unaffected) and that near enough sums it. I agree with most points bought up in this review so good job ONM, I just thought it may have scored a wee bit higher than it did.

  14. chaotichazz Friday 18th Nov 2011 at 21:15

    This game is great, it's very inventive and exciting but challenging at the same time. It should get at least a 84 - 89%

  15. dave666 Tuesday 22nd Nov 2011 at 16:03

    Not a good review

    I find it strange that last year ONM gave black ops a gold award but not MW3.This is definently the the better of the 2 games (trust me,I have both on wii) not to mention these are some of the best graphics seen on wii with no slowdown at all when things get hectic like in black ops.

    this is a solid version of a good game and anybody worried about online issues need not worry there is no such thing this year,there was a bit of lag shooting but treyarch have patched it.

    if like me you can only play fps games with the wiimote and nun-chuck then this is the version you need to get but this is the ONLY reason i would recomend the wii version.


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