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Paris celebrates the anniversary of the landmark’s inauguration - 125 years of the Eiffel Tower: in pictures - MSN Travel UK
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25/03/2014 18:45 | By Francis Whittaker
125 years of the Eiffel Tower: in pictures

Paris celebrates the anniversary of the landmark’s inauguration

Eiffel Tower (© Rex Features)
  • Eiffel Tower (© Rex Features)
  • Eiffel Tower 1887 (© Corbis)
  • Eiffel Tower 1888 (© Three Lions/Getty Images)
  • Eiffel Tower (© Everett Collection/Rex Features)
  • Eiffel Tower 1900 (© London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
  • Eiffel Tower 1924 (© Bettman/Corbis)
  • Eiffel Tower 1925 (© Boyer/Roger Viollet/Getty Images)
  • Eiffel Tower 1926 (© Associated Newspapers/Rex Features)
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Paris’ Eiffel Tower marks the 125th anniversary of its inauguration on March 31, 2014. Unveiled at the Exposition Universelle World's Fair in 1889 to comemmorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the tower is 324 metres (1,063ft) tall - or 300 metres (986 feet) without its broadcast antennae.

Although a controversial construction in its early years, the instantly recognizable landmark has gone on to become a global icon of Paris and France as a whole.

Click or swipe to discover archive images from the tower’s history.

31/03/2014 10:04
31/03/2014 11:28
It makes you wonder Why we dont have a Huge Ugly Pylon slap bang wollop in the middle of Our Capital City. It has Not improved with age..Its still So Much scrap Iron..
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