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Alasitas festival: Alasitas and the god Ekeko - Miniature heroes: Alasitas festival, Bolivia - MSN Travel UK
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27/01/2014 10:45 | By Paula Dear, contributor, MSN Travel
Miniature heroes: Alasitas festival, Bolivia

Alasitas festival: Alasitas and the god Ekeko

Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
  • Alasitas festival in Bolivia (© Paula Dear)
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A frenzy of buying and exchanging goods that represent people's hopes and desires for the year ahead marked the opening of the Alasitas festival in La Paz, Bolivia. The 'festival of abundance' has its roots in the ancient plea to the gods for plentiful harvests, but there's one small difference.

At Alasitas everything the heart desires is bought in miniature form. It's then blessed by priests and offered up to the poncho-clad Andean god of abundance, Ekeko. Followers believe that if they give him a cigarette he's even more likely to grant their wishes, which range from material gadgets such as laptops and phones, to hopes for a baby or new job.

31/01/2014 16:16
Amazing...........Sounds just like the Tory manifesto except that Camoron expects abundance and preys at the altar of benefits. 
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