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Inside Government House, the first stop on the Duke and Duchess' royal tour - Royal tour: inside Government House - MSN Travel UK
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06/04/2014 10:30 | By Jess Edwards, lifestyle editor, MSN Her
Royal tour: inside Government House

Inside Government House, the first stop on the Duke and Duchess' royal tour

Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
  • Government House, Wellington (© Government House, Wellington)
Government House, WellingtonShow Thumbnails
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All eyes will be on Wellington next week as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge embark on their royal tour of New Zealand and Australia.

Their first tour with Prince George in tow will begin in the capital of New Zealand at the grand Government House which was built between 1908 and 1910 and recently underwent a £22 million refurbishment.

Click through the gallery to see inside this building, fit to sleep a future king...

08/04/2014 00:24
im on the  rock and roll and need two weeks all inclusive in Benidorm to recharge my batteries , wonder if my amigos down the benefit office will be as obliging to me  as they have been towards our lazy royals ,two nights in a 1 star blackpool b&b here I come ,
06/04/2014 14:33
How much is this jolly jaunt costing the country for a pair of scroungers to go abroad??
06/04/2014 17:50
Who realy cares about thease two spongers.
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