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Graffiti art around the world - The world's best graffiti: from Venice Beach to Scotland - MSN Travel UK
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24/03/2014 12:15 | By Tamara Hinson, contributor, MSN Travel
The world's best graffiti: from Venice Beach to Scotland

Graffiti art around the world

Graffiti art around the world (© José Vicente)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© José Vicente)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© arena.co.at)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© José Vicente)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© boweryboogie.com)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© Tamany Baker)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© Paul Murphy)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© Nicky Wilcox)
  • Graffiti art around the world (© Caio Pimenta-SPTuris)
José VicenteShow Thumbnails
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Visitors to the Great Wall of China will soon be allowed to scrawl “wish you were here” on certain chunks of the Unesco monument. Growing numbers of visitors are opting to deface the site with illegal graffiti, so authorities are responding by providing these visitors with specific graffiti zones. Graffiti is increasingly being seen as an art form, and here's where to find some of the most spectacular examples.

25/03/2014 09:33
The one at Largs Scotland is a disgrace.
24/03/2014 18:20

Urban graffiti is Street Art - a real art movement that was created to regenerate an urban environment. The best of it is great to see in towns, cities, old walls, boring buildings. Scottish castles?. Sorry - like the scabbies on the stunning TGV viaduct in Provence - just silly. Destructive of another architectural creations  and meaningless in the situation. It shows the difference between real street artists and lads with B and Q spray cans.

25/03/2014 07:49
I'd move out if I lived in some of these buildings, some themes are too cynical.
Art, like poetry and music is an individual view...you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people...all of the time, I love diverse political stances on art, but also love the old classics.

but because it is viewed as art...no need to get angry eh?

04/04/2014 16:11
Graffiti is not an art form...it's an abominable eye sore.
24/03/2014 15:52
Every castle in Scotland should be covered in quality graffiti.
25/03/2014 11:03

Ah well - sad - who cares anyway? We don't get 3 for the price of 2.

24/03/2014 19:16
well lets paint ben nevis and the cairngorms im sure that should keep them busy for a while honestly if left to some people all the world would be covered in paint mind you it would be a lot more colourful haa haa can you imagine park head or ibrox with the grass painted in tartan would be a right laugh if the ball was painted the same , wheres the ball .
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