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Support Iranica – Encyclopaedia Iranica
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140516223344/http://www.iranicaonline.org/pages/support-iranica

Support Iranica

Since its inception as a non-profit project, the Encyclopaedia Iranica’s financial well-being has depended on the generosity of its supporters. The continuation of this monumental project requires the support of all who value the preservation and dissemination of Iranian culture. Contributions to the Encyclopaedia Iranica are a bequest to posterity, which will ensure that Iran’s rich and varied cultural heritage is recorded and safeguarded for future generations. 

The project latest fundraising campaign, Viva Iranica!, has been initiated by the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation to ensure the completion of the Encyclopaedia Iranica.  We are now asking each and every Iranian to be the leader of a circle of giving at various levels.

Donations can be made either through Columbia University (by selecting "Iranian Studies, Center for" under the School or Division tab) or through the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation registered in the State of New York. All contributions to the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation are tax-exempt to the extent permitted by law. 

You can also help by purchasing the print volumes of the Encyclopaedia and by encouraging your friends and local public and school libraries to do the same. For more information, please refer to the Printed Volumes page. 

Annual reports of the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation are now being made available for download at our Auditors and Reports page.