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South of Rome–West of Ellis Island | i-ITALY
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South of Rome–West of Ellis Island

April 3, 2014

Venice Independence Referendum – Predicable! … ‘South of Rome’ Implications per Silvana Patriarca’s “Numbers and Nationhood”

Tom Verso
Gabriel Bouys / AFP - Gettu Images

In the March 2014 “Venice Independence Referendum”, the majority of Venetians (2.1 million, 89 % of voters, out of an electorate of 2.3 million) voted that they “want the...

March 15, 2014

“Crimes of Art + Terror”… “Magister Ludi” Frank Lentricchia’s last “Glass Bead Game”? … Here’s Hope’n

Tom Verso

“The Magister Ludi gradually came to doubt that the intellectually gifted have a right to withdraw from life's big problems. Knecht comes to see Castalia as a kind of Ivory...

February 20, 2014

Modern Capitalist Concepts of Agricultural Theory and Practices … First Risorgimento Origins – South of Rome 2nd Century B.C.

Tom Verso

The ancient history of Italy, South of Rome, may reasonably be divided into two periods: first from circa 750 B.C., with the arrival of the Greeks and Phoenicians, down to 201 B.C..

January 30, 2014

“Trinacria” – At Long Last! … A Southern-Italian American (Pre-Ellis Island) Historic Novel … and High-Brow Literature ‘To Boot’

Tom Verso

This blog has persistently and repeatedly documented the FACT that the pre-Ellis Island history and culture of near seventeen million Americans of southern-Italian decent is...

January 15, 2014

Dino De Laurentiis Movie “Chino” – A Cowboy ‘Goat-Song’ (Aristotle Would Love It!) … An Exercise in Cultural Archeology

Tom Verso

John Domini, in his brilliant novel “A Tomb on the Periphery" (see: Related Articles box #2) and again in a “Magna Grece” interview, consistent with Lampedusa’s theme...

December 29, 2013

Why did the Italians Leave Little Italy? Part II Urban Renewal:Elite-WASP conspiracy against working-class Euro-ethnic Catholics

Tom Verso

Part I of this series, about the mid-twentieth century migration of southern-Italian Americans away from Little Italy “Urban Villages” to the suburbs (e.g. from Bronx to Long...

December 17, 2013

So … What Happened to Little Italy? … Why did the Italians Leave? --- Part I: “The Urban Villagers”

Tom Verso

“I’d go back in a heart beat!” … So ended an interview with an upper-middle class southern-Italian American baby boomer. She was born and raised in one of Rochester, N.Y..

November 28, 2013

The First Risorgimento circa 200 B.C. – The South brings Civilization to Northern Italy

Tom Verso

Contemporary presentations of Italian history refer to ‘THE’ (definite article implying singularity) Risorgimento circa 1870 A.D., when in fact it should read ‘A’...

November 17, 2013

Mafia-ology: The Terroni-ization of Southern-Italian Americans … A Gramsci Hegemony/Culture War Analysis

Tom Verso

I use the word mafia-ology to mean the aggregate of Mafia ‘academic’ studies (e.g. Lupo’s “History of Mafia”) and ‘quais-academic’ journalism (e.g. Stille’s...

November 8, 2013

“At the End of a Dull Day” by Massimo Carlotto … WOW! Talk about a ‘Page-Turner’ … This ‘Bad-Boy’ is as Good as it Gets!

Tom Verso

A crime story ‘junkie’ from the profound “Crime and Punishment” to so bad I won’t mention for fear of libel. Accordingly, I speak from experience about the relative...

October 30, 2013

“La Mia Strada – My Road”… A History Narrative Addendum to a Brilliant Nostalgic Video Presentation

Tom Verso

Surprisingly, the 2012 Italian American Studies Association (IASA) conference prominently featured the film “La Mia Strada – My Road”; a southern-Italian American’s story...

October 22, 2013

“Mafia Brotherhoods: Organized Crime, Italian Style” by Letzia Paoli … Brilliant Social Scientific History – Absolutely!

Tom Verso

Knowledge in Western scientific society consists of two categories: ‘Observation’ and ‘Explanation’. First, the characteristics of the phenomenon being studied are...

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