(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140519214839/http://www.newsinenglish.no:80/tag/elections/

Democracy dims in abortion debate

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (right) cut a deal with the head of the Christian Democrats, Knut Arild Hareide (left) last fall that's come back to haunt her. Now his small party is imposing its will in the abortion debate on the vast majority of Norwegians, pushing through a measure that a reported 77 percent of the people don't want. PHOTO: NRK screen grab/newsinenglish.no

NEWS ANALYSIS: An unwavering demand from one of Norway’s smallest political parties has relaunched a heated debate over abortion, and raised questions about just how democratic Norway’s democracy really is. It all shows how a party with less than 6 percent of the vote can impose its will on the vast majority, set off a […]

Progress Party jumps in polls

Progress Party leader Siv Jensen, now also Norway's finance minister, could be encouraged by results of a new public opinion poll showing a solid gain in support from voters. PHOTO: NRK screen grab/newsinenglish.no

Norway’s conservative Progress Party has logged the single biggest gain among parties represented in Parliament in the latest public opinion poll for January. The results, which also give a boost to the government coalition of which it’s a member, can help the party fend off fears that it will suffer the same fate as the […]

Arnstad ‘flattered’ by party support


Former government minister Marit Arnstad has resisted earlier calls to take over as leader of Norway’s deeply troubled Center Party (Senterpartiet, Sp), but now she’s showing signs of answering them. Arnstad has told reporters that she’s “flattered” by all the suggestions from party members that she’s best-suited to get the small but influential party back […]

Party leader gives up her post

Liv Signe Navarsete has been in trouble for a long time, but the criticism against her reached fever pitch this past autumn. Now she's finally giving up her leadership of the Center Party, PHOTO: Senterpartiet

Liv Signe Navarsete, the embattled leader of the severely troubled Center Party, has finally decided to call it quits. She now admits that she lacks enough confidence to continue, while some party members think her controversial deputy Ola Borten Moe should quit, too. Navarsete signalled her intention to resign at a party conference Saturday afternoon […]

Elected officials face new law on revealing clients

A civil ombudsman’s decision that top government officials should reveal the identities of former public-sector clients is leading other politicians to formulate a new law ordering public disclosure of all clients. The goal is more openness to reduce potential for conflicts of interest. Controversy has swirled for months since Sylvi Listhaug of the Progress Party […]

Pressure grows on party leader

Liv Signe Navarsete, shown here during the Center Party's disastrous election campaign, is now facing calls to resign. PHOTO: newsinenglish.no/NRK screen grab

Liv Signe Navarsete is now receiving direct calls to resign as leader of the deeply troubled Center Party (Senterpartiet, Sp), while her quest to “smoke out” those who leaked details of a critical report on the party’s leadership is meeting strong resistance. Sp members, meanwhile, have been deserting the party in droves. Newspaper Klassekampen reported […]

Party leaders come under attack

The Center Party's deputy leader Ola Borten Moe arrived with a black eye at the party's board meeting on Wednesday, but claimed he'd been battered by last week's storm in Trøndelag, not the storm of criticism directed at the party's leadership. PHOTO: Cornelius Poppe / NTB Scanpix

Ola Borten Moe, Norway’s former Oil & Energy Minister, was sporting a black eye this week but claims it has nothing to do with the latest nasty leadership debate raging within his small but feisty Center Party (Senterpartiet, Sp). Moe also claims there’s no power struggle within the party leadership, and that he has no […]

Small leftist parties urged to merge

Stein Ørnhøi, a veteran politician and member of the Socialist Left party (SV), thinks the time is ripe for SV and two other of Norway’s most left-leaning parties to get together and mount a stronger joint political force. SV barely won representation in parliament last week, after winning just 4.1 percent of the vote. Many […]

Outspoken youth leader gives up

Sandra Borch

Sandra Borch, the small woman who had big plans to modernize the farmer-friendly Center Party, has given up. She resigned her post as head of the party’s youth group, Senterungdommen, because she felt she was “wasting her time.” That means of expressing herself quickly left her facing new criticism from party members but Borch made […]

‘Love us or hate us for the right reasons’

PHOTO: Reporters packed a press conference on Tuesday with Ketil Solvik-Olsen (left), deputy leader of the Progress Party, and Himanshu Gulati, leader of the party's youth group, who wanted to put their party's image "in the right perspective." Both are upset that media abroad have called their party "far-right" and with links to ultra-right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik. PHOTO: newsinenglnsh.no/Nina Berglund

NEWS ANALYSIS: After being provocative and in opposition for 40 years, Norway’s Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, Frp) is suddenly worried about its image both at home and abroad. It thus called a press conference on Tuesday to clarify its positions and explain itself, but the entire session also reflected just how concerned other Norwegians are, especially […]