(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140519214855/http://www.newsinenglish.no:80/tag/integration/

Most immigrants embrace ’17.mai’

School children play an important role in 17th of May parades all over Norway, not just here in Oslo. Researchers feel the concrete roles assigned by the schools have helped fuel feelings of inclusiveness among immigrants. PHOTO: newsinenglish.no

Norwegians and “new Norwegians” alike marched side-by-side again in parades Saturday on what the locals call “17.mai,” the Constitution Day holiday on the 17th of May. It’s the one day of the year when many immigrants actually feel included in Norwegian society, a surprising discovery in a new study that researchers link to a “17th of […]

Concerns rise over Muslim school

Mazyar Keshvari, the Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, FrP) immigration spokesman said he'll petition Education Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen to revoke the approvals for a new Muslim primary school in Oslo. Keshvari and several Oslo city politicians are concerned the school will hinder integration, and argued the last Muslim primary school was a failure. PHOTO: Reynir Johannesson/FrP

After years of campaigning, a group of Muslim mothers received approval this week to open an Islamic primary school, the only one in Norway.  Critics want the approvals withdrawn, arguing it would damage children’s Norwegian integration and the model has been proven not to work. The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Utdanningsdirektorate) approved an […]

Students sent to school in Africa

Authorities are concerned a growing number of Somali-Norwegians are taking their children out of Norwegian schools and sending them to study in Somalia, Kenya, Egypt and the United Kingdom. A new report by the Institute for Social Research (Institutt for samfunnsforskning, ISF) found hundreds of children have been pulled out of the Norwegian school system […]

Frp’s ‘butterball immigrant’ reacts


Liberal (Venstre) politician Ketil Kjenseth was forced to apologize on Thursday after calling Progress Party (Fremskrittpartiet, Frp) member Mayzar Keshvari a “smørbukk-innvandrer,” which literally translates to “butterball immigrant” and suggests they’re too fortunate. Kjenseth’s comments came in reaction to Keshvari’s proposal to deny free healthcare to illegal immigrants, and place mandatory reporting requirements on health […]

More immigrant kids in poverty

There has been a sharp rise in the number of immigrant children living below the poverty line in Norway. PHOTO: Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartmentet

The number of children living in poverty in Norway has increased sharply, with 78,200 people under the age of 18 now listed below the poverty line. The majority are from immigrant families, according to new figures from Statistics Norway (Statistisk Sentralbyrå, SSB). After several years of relative stability, 2012 saw a jump in the number […]

Youths deny racism, guilt over attack

UPDATED: Hundreds of residents of the small town of Verdal in Nord-Trøndelag marched in a torchlight parade Thursday evening, to protest what’s widely believed to be a racist attack on a man from Liberia. Three young people charged with assaulting an African man in Verdal have denied any racist motivation or culpability. The parade was […]

Youths charged over racist attack

Three young people were charged on Tuesday over a brutal attack on a Liberian man in the Nord-Trøndelag town of Verdal. Jacob Kuteh was followed home on Saturday and set upon by the group of strangers right outside his house, one of whom allegedly told him “I don’t like immigrants here in Verdal.” Kuteh had […]

Many immigrants beat the odds

Most Norwegian children have a good life, but some think it could be even better. Here, children marching in an annual 17th of May parade, an annual Constitution Day event that's dedicated to children. PHOTO: newsinenglish.no

After years of hearing how hard it is for immigrants to succeed in Norway, a new study indicates that many are actually thriving in the country. The study by a researcher at the University of Oslo hasn’t been published yet, but is expected to show some surprising and encouraging results. Newspaper Aftenposten reported on Tuesday […]

Rent discrimination curbs integration

A new report has found many immigrants struggle to get permanent or long-term housing in Norway. Moving constantly forced many of those surveyed into substandard housing, made job seeking harder and hindered their children from integrating at school and in the community. Norwegian research foundation Fafo analyzed a study of immigrants’ living conditions, and interviewed […]

More firms recognize global talent

Although it is still mostly the international firms in Norway that hire  international employees, more Norwegian companies in the country are now realizing the advantages of a diverse and multicultural workforce. Labour experts and job seekers alike hope it will continue in the New Year. “More people see the possibilities that lie in multiculturalism now than a few years back. […]