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How to Pitch Anything in 15 Seconds [video] - Forbes
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Carmine Gallo

Carmine Gallo, Contributor

I write about success, leadership and communications.

7/17/2012 @ 4:44PM |331,040 views

How to Pitch Anything in 15 Seconds [video]

Carmine demonstrating message map

Carmine demonstrates a message map

If you can’t tell me what you do in 15 seconds, I’m not buying, I’m not investing, and I’m not interested.

Few technologies are as complicated to explain as 4G LTE. Last year I worked with a group of leaders for the division of a global, publicly traded company who were responsible for pitching the technology to potential customers. Since the group was struggling to explain the technology simply, I introduced them to a tool that I’ve used very successfully with other brands—a message map.

The leaders in this particular division were responsible for pitching the technology to public safety agencies. Their audience knew a lot about police work, but had little knowledge about wireless broadband. Imagine if the head of a public service agency heard something like this: 4G LTE is a standard for the wireless communication of high-speed data based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA network technologies, increasing the capacity and speed of new modulation techniques. Not one person would have acted on the pitch because they wouldn’t be able to understand a word of it!

Instead we created a pitch that started with this sentence: 4G is a mobile broadband technology that will change the way your department communicates, collaborates, and operates. The audience got it in one sentence. The message was so simple and effective, the company landed several multi-million dollar accounts after their first meetings and they credited the message map for helping them pitch the idea in a simple, yet compelling way. The message map gave everyone (sales, marketing, executive leadership) a roadmap for the customer conversation. “Without a doubt it improved the confidence of our sales and marketing teams to articulate our value, our mission, and why our product would make a difference,” one leader told me.

Build a message map in 3-steps. A message map is the visual display of your idea on one page. It is a powerful and tool that should be a part of your communication arsenal. Building a message map can help you pitch anything (a product, service, company, or idea) in as little as 15 seconds. Here is the three-step process to using a message map to build a winning pitch. For this exercise you will need a notepad, word document, PowerPoint slide, or whiteboard.

Step One. Create a Twitter-friendly headline.
The headline is the one single overarching message that you want your customers to know about the product. Ask yourself, “What is the single most important thing I want my listener to know about my [product, service, brand, idea].” Draw a circle at the top of the message and insert the headline. Make sure your headline fits in a Twitter post – no more than 140 characters. If you cannot explain your product or idea in 140 characters or less, go back to the drawing board.

Step Two. Support the headline with three key benefits. As I discussed in a previous article, the human mind can only process about three pieces of information in short-term memory. Specifically outline the three or, at most, four benefits of your product. Draw three arrows from the headline to each of the key supporting messages.

Step Three. Reinforce the three benefits with stories, statistics, and examples. Add bullet points to each of the three supporting messages. You don’t have to write out the entire story. Instead write a few words that will prompt you to deliver the story. Remember, the entire message map must fit on one page.

You can create a message map for any product or a brand. Lets use the example of soap. If you can sell soap, you can pitch anything. Lush is a global chain of stores that sells soaps and cosmetics. It has about 100 locations around the world. They literally stock hundreds of items. Although the brand takes the unusual step of sending new products to each of its employees, it wouldn’t be feasible, nor necessary, to create a message map about each product.

This video illustrates the steps outlined below:

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  • p0ssibilist p0ssibilist 1 year ago

    Thank you very much. This technique is very helpful and can be used for ‘Elevator Pitch.’
    Also with due respect, ‘campaign’ is the correct spelling.

  • Tony CoMach Tony CoMach 1 year ago

    Good :)


  • This is very interesting. Similar to a high quality landing page for a website:
    WHAT (what are we offering? ie, software tool to help students with their study)
    WHY (why is it so good?
    because it organizes info automatically for them [saving time]
    because it provides tool sets that improve and test their learning
    because it allows them to collaborate with other students…
    In sum, all these capability are extremely valuable to students, what’s why as a student you need to have it.
    HOW (download, install and try it out…)

    And equally important, deliver the above message VISUALLY.

  • Carmine Gallo Carmine Gallo, Contributor 1 year ago

    Very nice comparison. Thank you!

  • Thank you, Carmine. Fyi, we’re currently working on the site redesign for the VISUAL element.

  • Jack Frye Jack Frye 1 year ago

    Great work really like the map! Right on most people will only listen for 15 sec you need to grab then in that time frame.
    Thank you.
    Anything you may have to help me with my new brand would be great!

  • TonySavo TonySavo 1 year ago

    Extremely helpful resource, thank you.

  • Carmine Gallo Carmine Gallo, Contributor 1 year ago

    Tony, I’m glad you found it useful. This technique has worked for me each and every time, no matter how complex the subject.

  • This is a great template to use for all. I have a similar approach when I coach media sound bites for executives whether positive product introductions or recovering from any negative publicity and turning it into a positive. Plus it works for a spin-off into the “elevator speech” at networking or career advancement goals. Like how you focus this.

  • Carmine Gallo Carmine Gallo, Contributor 1 year ago

    Brenda, you’re spot on. This is a wonderful technique for media-training. Any spokesperson should master the 15 second pitch before the interview.