Commonwealth High Commissioner

A Commonwealth High Commissioner in the United Kingdom is accorded the same style and precedence as an Ambassador.

It is always correct to describe High Commissioner by name, adding the country after the name, for example, 'His Excellency Mr John Dauth, High Commissioner for* Australia'. If in doubt, check with the Secretary of the High Commissioner in question.

*Note: the word 'for' is used in respect of Commonwealth countries, although this is not reflected on the Foreign and Commonwealth website.

Precedence within the Diplomatic Corps is accorded to a High Commissioner in a common roll from the time they take up their duties in London. The London Diplomatic List is published by The Stationery Office, and is also available in an on-line version on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website at

In a letter to a High Commissioner, it is usual to mention 'Your Excellency' in the opening and closing paragraphs. In a long letter, further references may be made to 'you' or 'your'.

How to Address a High Commissioner

The recommended (social) form of address for a High Commissioner is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear High Commissioner
End of letter Believe me, Yours sincerely
Envelope His Excellency Mr John Dauth
High Commissioner for Australia
Verbal communication (social) High Commissioner (or by name)
Name on invitation (social) The High Commissioner for Canada
Joint invitation (social) The High Commissioner for Canada and Mrs Wright

Wife or Husband of a High Commissioner

The wife of a High Commissioner is not entitled to the style of 'Her Excellency' and is referred to and addressed by her name in official documents, but she is sometimes called 'Her Excellency' by courtesy if coupled with her husband's name or in a list of High Commissioners' wives.



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