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Atrocious - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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adjective \ə-ˈtrō-shəs\

: very evil or cruel

: very bad

Full Definition of ATROCIOUS

:  extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel :  barbaric
:  appalling, horrifying <the atrocious weapons of modern war>
a :  utterly revolting :  abominable <atrocious working conditions>
b :  of very poor quality <atrocious handwriting>
atro·cious·ly adverb
atro·cious·ness noun

Examples of ATROCIOUS

  1. an atrocious period in the nation's history
  2. <an atrocious crime that shocked even hardened members of the police force>
  3. … much of the manufactured-home industry employed sales practices that were atrocious. The need for meaningful down payments was frequently ignored. Sometimes fakery was involved. Moreover, impossible-to-meet monthly payments were being agreed to by borrowers who signed up because they had nothing to lose. —Warren E. Buffett, Newsweek, 9 Mar. 2009


Latin atroc-, atrox gloomy, atrocious, from atr-, ater black + -oc-, -ox (akin to Greek ōps eye) — more at eye
First Known Use: 1658

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