
Courses | Certificates | One-on-One Training | Group Training | Your Courses

1–22 out of 22 courses
Course Location Start Date Instructor
Use proven tools and exercises to get back to writing
New York
2 sessions, $275
7/15/2014 Jennifer Mattson
Tell -- and sell -- the story of your life
10 weeks, $660
7/16/2014 Wendy Dale
Complete a full proposal that wins an agent and a contract
8 sessions, $550
7/16/2014 Jill Rothenberg
Workshop your novel in-progress
12 sessions, $675
7/16/2014 Erika Mailman
Draft your manuscript and learn how to get an agent
8 sessions, $550
7/22/2014 Kelly Harms
Find the right agent for your book and write a query that will get the deal done
2 sessions, $275
8/6/2014 Barbara Clark
Learn how to grab attention through humor
2 sessions, $275
8/13/2014 Leigh Anne Jasheway
Draft a romance novel manuscript that will sizzle and sell
12 sessions, $675
8/13/2014 Susan Squires
Complete a picture book ready to send to publishers
New York
8 sessions, $550
8/27/2014 Jacquie Hann
Finish your screenplay in three months
12 sessions, $675
8/27/2014 Jonathan Kesselman
Draft, edit and sell first-person essays
8 sessions, $550
9/2/2014 Jessica Olien
Complete a full proposal that wins an agent and a contract
New York
8 sessions, $550
9/4/2014 Ryan D. Harbage
Draft your book and get it published
12 sessions, $675
9/9/2014 Leslie T. Sharpe
Develop and pitch a tv series that will wow producers
8 sessions, $550
9/9/2014 Suzanne Myers
Draft a manuscript agents will love
12 sessions, $675
9/10/2014 Erika Mailman
Build relationships and grow your career
New York
2 sessions, $275
9/15/2014 Mandy Gresh
Draft your manuscript and learn how to get an agent
8 sessions, $550
9/15/2014 Kelly Harms
Complete a first draft with the help of a published author
6 sessions, $470
9/16/2014 Dashka Slater
Write your YA book with a best-selling author
12 sessions, $675
9/17/2014 Corey Ann Haydu
Write your middle-grade novel with the help of a literary agent
8 sessions, $550
9/25/2014 Rachel Orr
Learn how to get your piece published in The New York Times Modern Love column from a two-time Modern Love author
2 sessions, $275
10/9/2014 Paula Derrow
Find the right agent for your book and write a query that will get the deal done
2 sessions, $275
11/10/2014 Molly Jaffa
1–22 out of 22 courses