On June 24, a previously unknown singer-songwriter calling herself Ryn Weaver uploaded a gleaming state-of-the-art pop track called "OctaHate" to SoundCloud and became a literal overnight sensation.…   Read Story »
This week's Shut Up, Dude comes later than usual because I'm at Outside Lands. First day highlights included Run The Jewels, Disclosure, Mikal Cronin, Kacey Musgraves, and Kanye West, though it was…   Read Story »
Here's a first -- the three best songs this week all had one common denominator: Nicki Minaj. It was the week of "Anaconda," of course, but Nicki also jumped in on tracks by Beyoncé and Juicy J, and…   Read Story »
This week, I was something like the 75 millionth person to watch Kiesza's "Hideaway" video, and holy hell, that thing is great. I don't know what kept me from clicking play on it for this long.…   Read Story »
I haven't played video games regularly since 16-bit was the industry standard. I would never choose to watch anime. Most of the time, I don't listen to festival EDM. Based on the universes Porter…   Read Story »