Showing All "Frank Ocean" Posts

Frank Ocean's father has been absent most of his life, and Ocean has been open about what kind of effect it had on him. Back in December 2012, the singer tweeted that his father wanted to sue him for…   Read Story »
On Sunday afternoon, a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri shot the unarmed 18-year-old black man Michael Brown, and witnesses say that Brown had his hands up, attempting to surrender. Since then,…   Read Story »
In the 10 years since Brian Wilson finally released Smile, the Beach Boys maestro has mostly stuck to passion projects like What I Really Want For Christmas, Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin, and In…   Read Story »
Two years ago Don Henley threatened to sue Frank Ocean for performing "American Wedding," the altered version of "Hotel California" that Ocean included on his star-making Nostalgia, Ultra mixtape.…   Read Story »
A few years back, a critical mass of musicians started making R&B; steeped in the sort of art-damaged signifiers indie rock has traditionally claimed as its own. This wasn't the first time rhythm &…   Read Story »
Frank Ocean has something of a history of making announcements via Tumblr, and today, he appears to have used his Tumblr to announce that his new album is nearing completion. Wrote Frank: I'M…   Read Story »
The biggest Frank Ocean story Friday, before news broke that Chipotle is suing him, was the impending arrival of a new Converse-sponsored collaboration with Diplo and Clash members Mick Jones and…   Read Story »
UPDATE: Frank Ocean has responded to the controversy with a Tumblr post that simply links to UPDATE 2: Ocean has shared an image of a check he's made out for…   Read Story »
Converse do a good job of integrating their brand among music types. If you're at SXSW next week, for instance, you will see no shortage of One-Star logos plastered across Austin. (You probably have…   Read Story »
As time-tested album cycles are discarded and abandoned, so too is an artist's traditional publicity window. In 2013, the best way to stay in the public eye was not to do interviews, but to bicker,…   Read Story »