Showing All "Broken Bells" Posts

James Mercer may have reactivated the Shins long enough to record "So Now What," their song for the soundtrack to Zach Braff's Wish I Was Here, but he's still keeping busy with Broken Bells, his duo…   Read Story »
Broken Bells are in California and between Coachella weekends, and amazingly enough, Danger Mouse is not using the moment to produce another kinda-flat album for another arena-rock band. Instead, he…   Read Story »
James Mercer and Danger Mouse stopped by Fallon last night to perform a shimmering, low-key version of "Holding On For Life," the lead single their second album as Broken Bells. Watch…   Read Story »
On February 24, 2004, music fans worldwide participated in a coordinated act of civil disobedience. Dubbed Grey Tuesday, the digital demonstration was this simple: Hundreds of websites posted a free…   Read Story »
Danger Mouse, one half of Broken Bells, first found fame for mashing up Jay-Z with the Beatles on the bootleg release The Grey Album, and last night on Letterman, he went back to his roots. Broken…   Read Story »
Keep up, if you can, with all the side-project stuff happening in this post. Broken Bells, if they can still be called a side project, are the side-project duo of Shins frontman James Mercer and…   Read Story »
Everybody's celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Beatles' arrival in America, even us. But CBS is celebrating extra hard because they hosted the original Ed Sullivan Show broadcast that helped…   Read Story »
Broken Bells will release their second album, After The Disco, next week, on the heels of two singles, the title track and "Holding On For Life." James Mercer and Danger Mouse stopped by Jimmy Kimmel…   Read Story »
With After The Disco, the sprawling and ambitious sophomore effort they'll release next week, Shins frontman James Mercer and superproducer Danger Mouse cement their band Broken Bells as more than…   Read Story »
So far we've heard bits and pieces from Broken Bells' anticipated sophomore set After The Disco, including "Holding On For Life" (plus its Nick Zinner remix) and the title track. But the fully…   Read Story »