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  • 4 Fast Ideas to Rapidly Grow Your Revenue


    That’s it. There are a thousand tasks that compete for your attention every day, but raising revenue must always remain at the top of your list. You cannot fund your business on hard work ...

  • 3 Entrepreneurial Skills Inmates Perfect


    The Last Mile , which is designed to teach selected inmates how to become tech entrepreneurs. The program consists of volunteer-driven, weekly classes within a six-month semester. For the final ...

  • 5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Sick Days


    Entrepreneurship is a 24-hour-a-day profession. You can’t afford to take time off unexpectedly -- but nonetheless, your body sometimes rebels. If your fever is spiking and you can’t stop ...

  • Finders Keepers Youll Never Lose This GPS-Enabled Smart Wallet


    Ping Wallet , its successfully funded plain aluminum predecessor, SmartWallet is a Bluetooth-integrated anti-loss money and card stasher -- only it’s bigger, holds more cash and cards, and ...

  • How Entrepreneurs Can Prepare for a Higher Minimum Wage


    Early June marked a major milestone for the U.S. economy when Seattle enacted an increase in its minimum wage from $9.32 to $15.00 per hour – the highest in the nation, topping San ...

Popular topics in the small business industry sector of Industries News.Net include latest developments, politics, business, industry leaders, company directors, human resources, impact on the Accounting industry by the economy and government regulation.