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BBC News - Economy
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140903164042/http://www.bbc.com/news/business/economy/
3 September 2014 Last updated at 07:18 ET

UK service sector sees strong growthWaitress serving customer

The UK service sector records its fastest growth for almost a year, but recovery in the eurozone slows, closely-watched surveys suggest.

Oxfam shopUK recovery 'stronger than thought'

The Office for National Statistics revises up its estimates for the UK's GDP during and after the recession.

Rouble old womanRussian stocks rise from peace hope

Russian stocks rise to their highest level in three months following the announcement of a cease-fire agreement with Ukraine.

Robert Peston Article written by Robert Peston Robert Peston Economics editor

So how sick was the UK?

Should we be thrilled or miffed that the Office of National Statistics has today signalled that the UK's depression ended nine months earlier than it said just a few weeks ago?

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Last Updated at 12:40 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 17105.93 Up 38.37 0.22%
Nasdaq 4575.00 Down -23.19 -0.50%
S&P 500 2002.24 Down -0.04 -0.00%
FTSE 100 6873.58 Up 44.41 0.65%
Dax 9626.49 Up 119.47 1.26%
BBC Global 30 7438.41 Up 19.68 0.27%

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