Miley Cyrus Instagram

If you’re one of the people enraged at the idea that the Flaming Lips have enlisted Miley Cyrus’ help in their efforts to cover the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, you may want to spend the next few months in suspended animation somewhere. Or you might have to just accept the idea that Miley’s Leonard Cohen phase is happening. Last night, in between photos of a jewelry-strewn bedspread, Cyrus posted an image of Cohen’s synthy, brooding 1988 album I’m Your Man, captioning it with the announcement “gonna cover dis shit.” It’s not clear if this is just a stoned musing or if she’s heading to the studio today, and it’s equally uncertain whether she means the entire album or just the title track. But this comes just a few days after Cyrus posted the cover of the same best-of collection that introduced me to Cohen. And given that she is a willful young lady, this is probably happening. (She also likes Bikini Kill. So there is a very real chance that Cyrus has better taste than you did when you were 21. Just saying.)

Comments (10)
  1. I will listen to this the same day I see video of Leonard twerking.

  2. “So there is a very real taste that Cyrus has better taste…”?

  3. marko  |   Posted on Sep 5th +5

    “So there is a very real taste that Cyrus has better taste than you did when you were 21″

    When I was 21 I was listening to music posted by Stereogum, but I guess that’s not considered cool anymore.

  4. This is just perfect. I’m not being sarcastic.

  5. “So there is a very real chance that Cyrus has better taste than you did when you were 21. Just saying.” Um, way to condescend to your audience there, damn. I was 21 in 2008, and listening to stuff from the indie blogosphere almost constantly. I got into Leonard Cohen and Bikini Kill as a high schooler, by the way.

  6. “But this comes just a few days after Cyrus posted the cover of the same best-of collection that introduced me to Cohen”

    I guess that he is the only one to feel behind on Miley’s taste

  7. Anything that brings the lyrics of “Everybody Knows” to a bunch of unsuspecting Miley fans is surely a good thing…

    Altogether now…

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
    Everybody knows the war is over
    Everybody knows the good guys lost
    Everybody knows the fight was fixed
    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That’s how it goes, everybody knows

  8. I am currently 21, and you know Sgt. Peppers and Leonard Cohen, she’s got me beat, I don’t even have the cool weed pants

  9. but in all seriousness props to her for getting into good music and covering it (even if it’s not the best, it shows she’s passionate about it and can only help her own music)

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