The Replacements On SNL

The Replacements were banned from Saturday Night Live in 1986 after a drunken performance in which they forgot entire verses, mumbled lyrics, and cursed at the audience. In the band’s oral history All Over But The Shouting, Bob Stinson recalled that night: “Lorne Michaels put food and flower baskets in our [hotel] rooms, free bar tabs — we went to town. I think I’d have to say I abused it more than anybody. They swore no band from Warner Bros. would play on that show again unless we paid the tab on the $1,000 worth of supposed ’damage’ we did.” Now, almost three decades after that performance, it seems as though the newly reunited band is returning to Rockefeller Plaza. In a teaser video posted on their YouTube channel, the band hints that they’ll be back on NBC on Tuesday, 9/9 as the musical guest for The Tonight Show. Watch the teaser and the performance that got them banned from Studio 8H below.

Comments (8)
  1. You can see how they swapped clothes in between “Bastards Of Young” and “Kiss Me On The Bus.”

    More from the oral history:

  2. God, but that was a rock and roll band. Amazing how Paul seems determined to ensure that no new listeners can really get what “Bastards of Young” is about, walking away from the mic, leaving lyrics unsung. He doesn’t do that on “Kiss Me on the Bus” but, of course, being the second song, it probably had half the audience the first song did. They just couldn’t help but shoot themselves in the foot again and again.

    I wonder how other bands on SNL have ever false started and started over.

  3. Not to stand on convention but “yelled curses at the audience”? I’ve watched that performance countless times and the closest I can find of the (supposed) (infamous) swearing is Paul Westerberg saying “c’mon fucker” or similar, half-off mic, before the solo in “Bastards of Young”.

    I remember when this aired, pre Tim’s release. And then when Tim came out feeling a little let down, after wearing out the VHS tape of the SNL performance.

    Sorry, don’t mean to dwell on the negative. Watching these clips again now I still get chills. Which is what a great rock and roll band should do, right? Send chills?

  4. “forgot entire verses, mumbled lyrics, and yelled curses at the audiencez’

    I still haven’t seen the replacements live, unfortunately, but I’d disappointed if all those things didn’t happen..If they would’ve just put down their instruments and laughed at each other they’d have their own late night show.


  6. I’ve watched both performances and see nothing that should get anyone banned. All I see is a big steaming mess of awesome rock and roll.

  7. Looking forward it. They sounded great in Seattle last week and were full of sarcasm.

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