Ryan Adams on Letterman

Here’s something I’ve never seen on a late-night show before: A host who likes the musical guest so much that he forces said guest to play the exact same song a second time, like he was hitting repeat on his iTunes. That happened last night. Ryan Adams was on the Late Show With David Letterman looking exceptionally ratty and wearing that same denim jacket. He sang “Gimme Something Good,” the first single and leadoff track from his new self-titled album. Letterman liked the performance that he pretty much just said, “Do more of that.” Adams obliged. So below, watch Adams play “Gimme Something Good,” and then watch him play a few seconds of “Gimme Something Good again.”

Does Letterman have a history of doing this that I just don’t know about? Either way, Ryan Adams is out now on Pax-Am/Blue Note.

Comments (23)
  1. Only other act Dave’s enjoyed exactly that much is The Heavy, they were the first, I think – and quite right too because they’re awesome fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQKsKbXN1A4

  2. Dave’s always been a big fan of Ryan.

  3. This is such a good song.

  4. He tried to get another band to do this recently (I can’t remember who though?) and they refused so paul shaffer+co did a spot-on cover during the credits instead

  5. I love the organ-player during the encore.

  6. If only he made Future Islands play an encore.

  7. He made Drive-by Truckers play “Everybody Needs Love” twice as well.

  8. Adams has been on Letterman A LOT. Makes me wonder: what performer (other than Darlene Love’s annual Christmas Eve appearance) has played on the Letterman show the most? Ryan Adams has gotta be up there.

  9. What’s with the giant fake Princeton Reverb behind the two that he seems to be using (which are already sitting up on cabs that are probably not actually connected to anything)?

  10. cast  |   Posted on Sep 12th +3

    I see why Ryan only uses Fender amps. He knows how to use them well. His guitar tone here is killer. Has a nice crisp attack, but it has a little crackle of distortion in there too. Really great performance

  11. Dave loves music (we know so little about this guy, but this much is clear) and he doesn’t hide it when he likes/dislikes a performance on his show. You can tell when he’s giving a perfunctory “Insert artist’s name” at the end of the performance compared to when he has genuinely enjoyed himself. It’s been that way for at least the last decade and it’s one of my favorite things about later years Dave. His love of the Foo Fighters is such a big part of the show at this point that I’m waiting to find out what role they’ll play in the final episodes.

  12. I’m just sitting here smiling like an idiot

  13. Dave loves Pearl Jam too. They must have a mutual admiration because Letterman is the only TV Pearl Jam would even do for a LONG time. That’s been there one stop for a lot of their albums. And you can tell Dave is always psyched about it.

  14. I’m not sure how I feel about this tune. The vocal melody is doesn’t sound like him at all to me, but the pre-chorus and chorus is 100% RA. Definitely like it, but I’m not sure I love it like I love so many of his tunes.

    Really cool how stoked everyone was when they did their encore.

  15. THE HEAVY! See their performance on Letterman. First (of now 3) time he ever asked the musical guest to do an encore.

  16. Letterman just had a little more space to fill at the end of the show. These guys were good, but they weren’t that great for goodness sake.

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