James L. Dolan

Among Knicks fans, team and Madison Square Garden owner Jim Dolan is a universally reviled villain — an impulsive self-regarding blowhard legacy case who inherited his billions, who operates without a shred of self-awareness, and who has crippled his team time and again by making dumb decisions. He also has a band. JD & The Straight Shot are a blues-rock laughingstock, and their videos have been sports-blog bait for years. But public perception hasn’t stopped Dolan from promoting his stupid fucking band. And now he’s booked them into the gig of a lifetime: Opening for the Eagles at Madison Square Garden, the venue he owns.

In a new profile, the New York Post reports that JD & The Straight Shot will open for the Eagles tomorrow night at MSG. It also has a lot of amazing info about the band and, by extension, about the way Dolan sees himself. Dolan tells the Post, “I’m entitled to my opinion. I am not the chairman, CEO, etc., standing up there on that stage. I am the singer-songwriter.”

Dolan song topics include local politicians who, he feels, have wronged him, like former governor Eliot Spitzer, and current mayor Bill De Blasio, who he lambastes for not caring enough about the one percent: “If you dare to call the mayor, taxes got your goat, well he don’t care. Cause you’re a millionaire, and he didn’t get your vote.”

Dolan also admits to some uncertainty about the whole thing: “I worry about the other ways that people know me. I worry that they aren’t going to listen to the music. Are they going to look at the music and go, ’I don’t like how the Knicks are doing this year’?… You are definitely putting it out there and making yourself vulnerable and susceptible to criticism, and since it’s so personal, you run the risk of being hurt… This is all me. Those are my words. That’s my voice. And this is my product.”

You can read the whole profile, and watch some truly staggering videos, at the Post website. Meanwhile, the New York Times has the band’s terrible new song about Trayvon Martin.

Comments (16)
  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. Tom…how do you REALLY feel?

  3. Hopefully he bought a few thousand fans. If not, he should probably get used to the sound of booing.

  4. You should probably mention that Joe Walsh produces his band, especially since that’s mentioned in the article you’ve linked at the end of the article. As selfish, idiotic, and hilarious as I think this is, stating that connection would at least put this in much better perspective.

  5. S’ok… I hate the Eagles anyway…

  6. Saw them on the main stage at New Orleans Jazz Fest in 2013….eh. Didn’t really like them.

  7. What a move.

  8. Maybe they’re actually really good.

  9. Now that JD & The Straight Shot are a tag on Stereogum, I believe my life is complete. Now make Sportsgum happen already!

  10. I get so confused after reading things like this. On one hand, i love that this dumb shithead is so clueless as to how he looks to the rest of the world. On the other hand, I hate that this dumb shithead is so clueless. I wish that he lost sleep thinking about how much he sucks at what he loves. Then again, I also wish that he would be raped to death by the flaming dong of hell’s largest unicorn.

  11. So he’s a musically inept, self-aggrandizing, overblown turdbucket? Sounds like the perfect choice to have open for the Eagles.

  12. This is why capitalism doesn’t work.

  13. Ugh – saw this band open up for the James Gang – a few years ago – JD sucks plain and simple. The band was okay – felt bad for them. The best song they did was a Little Feat cover and JD sat that one out….

    I guess its good to be King…

  14. this is why we can’t have nice things.

  15. >“If you dare to call the mayor, taxes got your goat, well he don’t care. Cause you’re a millionaire, and he didn’t get your vote.”

    Classic Blues songwriting material!

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